The Only Reason I Need to Hire a Military Veteran

Rob Jones
The Thought Lodge
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2022
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

By: Rob Jones

Military veterans make good hires for many reasons. You hear veterans are great at working as part of a team, taking direction, and following procedures. You hear about their sense of duty and responsibility, which makes them reliable and trustworthy. You hear they are organized, disciplined, and have a strong work ethic. These are all true, but one reason stands out to me more than most.

Veterans are confident. There are few people in this world more confident than a veteran. Veterans have served their country with honor and distinction, and they know how to get the job done. They’re confident in their abilities and convictions and not afraid to stand up for what they believe in.

Stick around for the ending and find out just how much I benefit from hiring a vet! — Rob Jones

Veterans have faced challenges and overcome them. They have been in high-pressure situations, which gives them the confidence to handle any situation. The confident veteran is a force to be reckoned with.

Veterans bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the workforce. Veterans make excellent leaders because they are confident in their ability to lead. They can motivate and inspire others to achieve success. They are the ones who are not afraid to speak up and take charge when needed. They also know how to delegate tasks and communicate effectively with their colleagues.

A veteran will take on new challenges. Veterans believe in themselves and their ability to achieve their goals. They will learn new things. They are not afraid to share their ideas. They know how to adapt to criticism and feedback. They can also handle setbacks and failures without letting that get them down. They will adapt and overcome.

When you hire a vet, you can expect certain intangible skills from day one on the job. Here are a few:

A positive attitude: veterans believe in themselves and their abilities, even when things are tough. They maintain a positive outlook and persevere through challenges.

Good communication skills: veterans can express themselves clearly and concisely. They listen well and can build rapport with others.

Assertiveness: veterans are not afraid to speak up for themselves or take charge when necessary. They are comfortable assertive and standing up for what they believe in.

In my experience, veterans are more likely to be successful in their roles and contribute to a positive work environment. Veterans also ease the burden on me. I know they will handle things at their level because they have the confidence necessary and believe in themselves to make the right call. This gives me back time in my day when I do not have to make decisions at every level. This gives me time in my schedule to work on other things that need to be handled at my level.

Do you have any military veterans on your team? How do they contribute to your workplace? We would love to hear from you.

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Rob Jones
The Thought Lodge

Rob Jones is the founder of the Thought Lodge and 1/2 of the daughter/dad duo bearandbaba on Tiktok.