Is There A Little Too Much Logic In Our World?

Anonymous Author
The Thought Palette
3 min readAug 9, 2024

For thousands of years, humankind has been obsessed with the element of reasoning. For the first half of this time, God and religion were always the answer. For example, the creation of earth and all humanity was the work of God. If you became sick, it was a punishment from God. And when you die, you return to God. This way of thinking has been overshadowed by modern-day science and technology, which is our new element of reason. Our excuse for everything. But of course, logic and science cannot answer every question we might have. For reference, even though scientists have only discovered 5% of the ocean, we presume the same old fish will swim in the remaining 95%. Meaning, We take a sample of what we can see and use it to presume and predict what we cannot. Because without seeing, without figures, without data and evidence it does not possess validity in our shallow human minds.

(ENR,2023) “Our Fascinating Universe”

As I write, we are casually orbiting around a spiral galaxy within an endless expanding universe. This is something logic cannot cover or for fill. It is estimated that 1 billion other spiral galaxies are floating in our universe simultaneous to ours. Meaning, there is a tremendous chance that other worlds, species, elements, and reasonings exist in this very moment . Yet most of us still think aliens, the supernatural, life after death, and heaven are too much of a stretch. Sometimes it’s okay to believe in something that isn't aligned with logical sense or reasoning. This is not crazy, it just opposes the beliefs and reasonings that we are fed and taught from being so young. Besides, how can we trust the answers from people who have already told so many lies and profit from the shallow mined thinkers?

(Whitworth,2024)”why reincarnation is a cycle you should aim to break”

Myself? I've always believed in the possibility that certain people have lived before. Not as other species, but in different bodies and lives to the ones they currently lead. This suggests that the ideology of a “soul” would be real. Don’t mistake me, I believe reincarnation to be a rarity that doesn’t just happen to everyone. There always seems to be an indication of whether someone has roamed the earth before. Maybe they display a degree of similarity to a certain time period in history. Perhaps their character seems alienated and doesn't seem to fit in with todays social norms and expectations. Even possessing superior intelligence due to subconsciously avoiding mistakes they’ve already made in a previous life. Or the obvious reason, they remember the life they once had. Its interesting that the most common cases of reincarnation are in children. Obviously, children are younger and closer to the potential life they once had previously. But Is it likely that social norms gradually indoctrinate and programme children into forgetting such foreign possibilities? Even parents unintentionally condition their children by using phrases such as “stop being silly”, “stop telling tales” or “stop daydreaming”. American child, James Leininger, was two years old when he started to have continuous nightmares about a plane crash. He gave details that included the name of an American aircraft carrier, the first and last name of a friend who was on the ship with him, and a location and other specifics about the fatal crash. His parents eventually discovered a close correspondence between James’s statements and the death of a World War II pilot named James Huston (Tucker,2016). Perhaps stories such as these are unreliable, fake or completely illogical. But as of today, scientist’s still do not hold valid evidence to prove a soul does not exist. They haven’t discovered the other 95% of the ocean and they certainly haven't touched the surface on space. So instead of using what we currently see and witness to presume and predict what we cannot, I encourage you, reader, to take a little bit of logic out of your thinking and see where it takes you.



Anonymous Author
The Thought Palette

Do you want to leave this world and enter another for a while? Get lost inside the tale, get lost within another world...