Because you’re your only saviour

The Thoughtful Writings
1 min readOct 13, 2017

When they learn the truth,
they judge you quietly
and start walking away.
And you get stuck in a situation,
you were scared of getting into.
People are always curious,
specially when you’re the quiet one.
And when you start opening up,
they can’t handle your crazy,
the crazy you warned them of beforehand.
They give up too easy,
without trying to know the reasons,
that made you like this.
They just assume that you were born this way-
arrogant, cold and misbehaving child.
They don’t know your life,
and with the first glimpse of your reality,
they walk away…
thinking you won’t notice the change in patterns.
Little do they know that you are
a pro at waiting behind when people walk away.
I guess it’s time to close now,
close what was opened for a trial,
close what you were scared to open,
because this world is not for you.
Because you are your only saviour,
Like I am mine.



The Thoughtful Writings

Dreamer. Believer. Poetess. A whirlwind of extensive emotions in all shapes and sizes! ;)