4 Lessons We Learned from Ep.5 of #NCBCapitalQuest

The Thriving Artist
2 min readMay 18, 2016

Challenge: Create a jingle for Singer that resonates with a younger demographic (23–35)

Lesson 1: Know the law. Team A ran into a minor setback when they got into the studio with their jingle. They learned that using an existing song for the base for their jingle had some legal implications. Luckily, they were able to bounce back and create what became the winning jingle in the end. Many entrepreneurs are not as lucky however, that is what it is important that no matter how small you are to seek legal advice.

Lesson 2: Focus on what’s important. When you’re writing a radio commercial, you have 30 seconds to leave an impression and communicate your most important points. Because, if you don’t you risk losing your audience. In business, it is the same. You may have many different ideas floating around in your head, but if you don’t focus on what’s important you’ll miss opportunities to connect with potential customers and clients.

Lesson 3: Guide your audience. In the jingle a key element was the call to action. Let’s face it, a catchy tune that doesn’t tell the listener what to do next (purchase your product, visit your store etc.) is ineffective. Not only only is this true in advertising, but it is true with client relationships as well. Your customers and clients want to know what their next steps are in working with you because it gives them ease, and helps them gain confidence in the service that you offer.

Lesson 4: Learn from past mistakes. Team A leader Sara from Bliss Bridal Boutique, knew going into this week she wanted a win. So when the music producers advised her to keep things simple, she put her foot down insisting that certain elements must be included. This came off the heels of a loss from last week when Team A followed all the rules and still didn’t take home the prize. Sara was able to take the lessons she learned from last week, to secure the win.

What were your biggest takeaways from last night’s episode of #NCBCapitalQuest? Was there anything you think we missed? Let us know in the comments below.

