The Thunder Mug Journal— Edition 2

The Thunder Mug Journal


A short summary of the latest news from the coins/projects are involved in.

Plenteum (PLE)

On 24 March 2019 Plenteum announced the release of their mobile wallet for Android and it is available on the Play Store, they also announced that they will submit the mobile application to iOS soon for approval.

WhassupZA, the lead developer of Plenteum said earlier that he will make a high level announcement on what his plans are to deal with the current “shadow mining” which is plaguing the PLE Mining operation and speculated to influence the market by continues dumping.


The intended hard for for MASK to version V0.3.0.0 is still on to happen on block 180 000. It is still unsure if they will switch to a new POW, but the other features like Multi output Bulletproofs, Masari’s SECOR Uncle Mining and removal of the Mask Governance Fee will still be implemented.


MoX has been doing extremely well this week with value reaching almost 1000 Sats. This is truly a hidden diamond with loads of potential to reach big hights. Keep a close eye and fill your bags before it is too late. Mining Pools is currently operating five different mining pool. The pools are for CryptoPayAfrica (CPA), Masari (MSR), MASK, MoX and Plenteum (PLE). The decision was made not to add more pools at the moment but rather focus on the current ones to ensure that they are running smoothly. Feel free to join the Telegram or Discord channel to get more information or assistance mining on any of these pools.

CheckPool — Mining Pool Monitor received word today that the pools have been included in the CheckPool Android App, this is a very neat app.

CheckPool helps you to monitor statistics of your miners. Simply choose a pool, specify address that you want to monitor and app will show you all related information.

AutoCheck is a main feature of this app, enable it and you will receive notifications directly on your phone about changes of the worker state.

Final words….

BTC is still hovering around the $4000 mark, no fireworks yet. Most of the AltCoin market does look good these days, we can only hope that it will really take off soon.

Thank you for taking the time to read the second edition of the Thunder Mug Journal and all feedback are welcomed!

