Thunder Mug Journal — Edition 3

The Thunder Mug Journal


A short summary of the latest news from the coins/projects are involved in.

Plenteum (PLE)

Plenteum released LightPaper 2 on 31 of March 2019 containing more information about the Challenges, Difficulty Window Update, New PoW (Soft-shell), Network Protection and Dust Fund V2. The LightPaper also covers a few App Services and Use Cases.

The Network Protection part is a very interesting part that might cause some controversy. The idea behind it is solid and I personally is in full support of it since it will promote decentralization. The basic idea is that pools with more than 50% of the total network hash rate will have its blocks rejected by the network. In principle this is a great idea, unfortunately we are dealing with humans. Firstly they tend to flock together toward the top performing pools for a number of reasons, now you might have loyal miners mining away and suddenly a few more join that might push the pool beyond 50% total network hash. This increase will then affect ALL the miners, even the loyal ones and maybe even the pool as some miners might feel that they have wasted valuable hash. Great, so miners should know and understand not to put all the hash on one pool, unfortunately we are still dealing with humans from all over the continent with different languages, and so forth. So communication can also play a big role, these are just some of the potential issue I foresee. I do believe that the Plenteum Development team will put forward a solution that will benefit everyone and the project!

Plenteum LightPaper 2


Mask forked on block 180 000 to a new PoW and is now using CN Fast V2, same as Masari. The fork went well without any problems, unfortunately the OptimusBlue pool ran into a few issues during the changeover, fortunately this was also resolved and mining is back on track! Miners are requested to use the latest mining applications like XMR-Stak and use Algo “masari” (XMR-Stak). CN GUI Miner will also release an update soon to accommodate for the changes.

Final words….

Bitcoin jumped out of the blocks and it is looking really good. Does this mean Bitcoin is on a recovery path, no one is even sure what triggered this sudden rise, some even blamed an April Fools joke to trigger the spike? What I do know is that this value increase is definitely welcomed. What are your thoughts, do you think BTC is on a run to recover or will the increase be short-lived?

Thank you for taking the time to read the second edition of the Thunder Mug Journal and as always, all feedback are welcomed!

