Delete. Retire. Conquer.

Michael Lynch
The Ticket
Published in
7 min readApr 3, 2017

Wrestlemania 33 recap and reactions.

Wrestlemania poster via.

Wrestlemania 33 was indeed a roller coaster ride. I was mad that the usual suspects won. I was thrilled at the surprise winners. I was sad because Father Time beat another one of my childhood heroes… *sigh* Alright let’s review it from the top.

Neville wins Cruiserweight title against Aries

That about sums it up. NEXT!

Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal


In one of the more entertaining moments of Wrestlemania, Rob Gronkowski was the star of the battle royal. You read that right, not Braun, not Big Show, not Sammi Zayn, but Gronk himself. Jinder Mahal was beating up Mojo Rawley outside the ring in front of Gronk. Jinder paused and grabbed Gronk’s drink and threw it at him and then continued to the ring to battle the newest member of Sanity. Then after dealing with a security guard who wasn’t aware of the plan, Gronk entered the ring and shoulder tackled the veins off Jinder Mahal. Mojo then came in and cleaned house and won the battle royal. I’m assuming that celebration was fun.

Dean Ambrose vs. Baron Corbin for the IC Title

Because of a last minute change, the Smackdown Women’s title match switched to the main show and this match was moved to the pre-show. This match wasn’t great. Baron will probably win this title within the month. NEXT!

AJ Styles vs. Shane-O-Mac


This match was very entertaining. After it was over, I understood why they chose this for the official opening match. There were a few moments where I was actually scared they were going to let Shane win, which only helps AJ when he eventually did win. Shane pulled out all of the stops of jumping from various locations. Styles eventually wins with the phenomenal four arm. Afterwards, AJ said he is coming for the WWE Title.

Kevin Owens vs. Chris Jericho for the US Title


This should have been amazing. This should have stole the show. This should have… look okay it was a good match and I applaud the work of these two. However, they should have made it a title vs. title match. It just didn’t feel as important as it should’ve since it was the main event of Raw for the past 3 months. Nonetheless, it was a good match. Kevin Owens won and is the new United States Champ. I’m interested to see what’s going to happen next. I’m not sure if Jericho is leaving for awhile or if they will have one more pay-per-view match.

Fatal Four Way Raw Women’s Title


This match was very entertaining. I loved how in the beginning the match went like the picture above with Bayley, Sasha, and Charlotte teaming up against Nia Jax. They finally beat Nia when they all teamed up to power bomb her and then all three jumped on top to pin her. Then it broke down to a triple threat that ended with Bayley vs. Charlotte. Bayley ended up winning, but I can’t help but feel like it would be a better moment if she wasn’t already the champ. Anyways, congrats Bayley!

Raw Tag Team Triple Threat Ladder Match


This match was the match of the night. However, it only became the match of the night because right before they rang the bell the New Day came out to announce that there would be a fourth team in the match. They were wearing they in-ring gear. They slowly started walking to the ring when…

Raw Tag Team Fatal Four Way Ladder Match

Broken Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy’s music hit and the crowd went insane! The match was fantastic, and the Hardyz picked up the win. Right before Broken Matt grabbed the titles, Jeff climbed up a 15ft. ladder and swanton bombed onto a ladder on the outside. It was amazing and I can’t wait to watch Raw tomorrow!

Cena and Nikki vs. Miz and Maryse

Cena won. Proposed to Nikki. Miz and Maryse were amazing and they should be pushed on Smackdown. NEXT!

Seth Rollins vs. Triple H in a Non-Sanctioned Match

This match was incredible. If the Hardy Boyz didn’t return, this would have been match of the night. Seth was selling the knee injury the whole night. Stephanie went through a table. The sledge hammer made an appearance. Seth did an incredible move from the top rope. Seth ended up winning the match and it was awesome. I can’t wait to see what is going to happen with the New Evolution vs. Rollins tomorrow night.

Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton for the WWE Title

I hated this match. I hated this match so much. I was so happy four weeks ago. I love the Bray Wyatt character. I was upset with how the past three weeks have went down, but I still had hope that they were going to book Bray strong. I was right in that hope up until almost the end of the match when Randy hits one suprise RKO and that’s it. 1. 2. 3. Randy is the champ. This was stupid and I’m not okay.

Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar for the Universal Championship


This was cool. I knew Brock was going to win because I don’t think Goldberg is going to be around for awhile. However, the big question was how they were going to book the defeat of Goldberg. They have spent the past 5 months booking him as a god among men and now the man who beat the streak also killed the god. The 10 suplexes made me jump, the spears made me grasp my hair, and that final F-5 made me sit back in my seat. Bravo WWE, you did this one right.

6 Pack Challenge for the Smackdown Women’s Championship


Boo! Boo! I’m a huge Alexa Bliss fan. I knew as soon as Naomi came out on Smackdown last week that she was going to win it. I’m not sure why they couldn’t have just had a one-on-one match of Champion Naomi vs. Alexa Bliss and why they had to do this whole story of Naomi giving up her title, only to reclaim it three weeks later. BOO!

Undertaker vs. Roman Reigns Battle of the Yard

This. Match… Bah Gawhd… Undertaker left everything he had in the ring. Reigns speared him so many times, I can’t even count. He superman punched him enough that you forgot that it was supposed to be a special move. Undertaker hit Hell’s Gate, Choke Slam on a chair, Tombstone, and Reigns kicked out.

Reigns eventually won after three Superman Punches and one running back and forth several times spear. Afterwards, Undertaker put his coat and hat back on. Cameras pointed at him, he stood in the middle of the ring. He took off his gloves, took off the coat, and slowly removed the hat. He placed it all in the center of the ring. He then walked out and held his hand in the air as his music was playing. Long Live the Undertaker.

Overall Review

Overall, I would give this a 8/10… actually… they never had Samoa Joe or Finn Balor in the show… 7/10. The Hardy Boyz, AJ Styles, and Seth vs. Triple H are the only reasons for that score. Without those three matches, this would barely have been a 5/10. Cena, Triple H, or Brock should’ve retired the Undertaker. As well as they handled the match, Roman Reigns should not have been the person to retire him. It should have been Alexa vs. Naomi one on one. Dean vs. Baron should’ve been a street fight or backstage brawl. The cruiser weights should have done more big event moves. Bray should have had more power than to turn on a film about bugs in the middle of the ring. Cena should have lost and then still proposed… or have faced the Undertaker. Kevin Owens vs. Jericho should have felt like a bigger deal than it did. It was a good match, but the quality of the match didn’t need that much build up.

I actually enjoyed the Raw Women’s match. I think Charlotte should have been the champ and then have Bayley win for the first time, but it was still a very good match. Brock vs. Goldberg was awesome. I don’t know how they could have done that any better. I can’t wait to see what they do with Mojo Rawley now, if he survives the celebration with Gronk.

So yeah… good job Wrestlemania 33. I’m not looking forward to seeing Reigns vs. Lesnar at Wrestlemania 34.

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Michael Lynch
The Ticket

Sports writer, I cover NBA and WWE. I'm always interested in writing for anyone interested in my writing. Add me on Twitter @LikeMikeNBA