Heels with Mics Episode 25!

The wrestling podcast you didn’t know you wanted, but now ya got

The Ticket
The Ticket
1 min readJan 28, 2017


Episode 25: (We Wish We Didn’t) Remember The Rumble(s):

This Sunday we will witness one of the deepest and most star-heavy Royal Rumbles in recent history. Anticipation is at an all time high, which should be alarming for all WWE fans. In addition to making predictions for the 2017 Rumble, Kirk and IZ discuss the disappointing rumbles of the past few years. Also covered in this episode is NXT Takeover, dirt-covered Wrestlemania gossip, and gambling. Enjoy the show, and enjoy Roman Reigns winning the Royal Rumble match and the Universal Title on the same night!


iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/heels-with-mics/id1147840970?mt=2

