Matthews vs. Laine — Round 2!

Mark MacDonald
The Ticket
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2017
Auston Matthews (Left), Patrick Laine (Right)

It’s an absolute massive night tonight in the NHL! It doesn’t matter if you’re in Canada, in ‘Murica or sitting somewhere on the other side of the pond! It’s got me all like the feeling of waking up on Christmas morning, throwing the sheets off and running down the stairs, sliding on the 1990’s fully tiled floors, getting to the couch and being faced with the glowing aura coming from the mountain of presents Santa Claus left you! And no, I’m not exaggerating here! You remember that Nintendo, Game Genie & Power Glove you’ve been yearning for! Remember that PowerGlove? It made you feel like you could actually beat Mike Tyson as ‘The Kid’ in Punchout! Incorrect, it simply, like throwing a curve ball too early in your career in the Sandlot, ruined our little kid dreams and rotator cuffs for ever!

Ok ok... I’m digressing — what’s really happening tonight is, Auston Matthews vs. Patrick Laine in their second head-to-head match-up this season, at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto! Yes, ‘Muricans, I spelt ‘Centre’ correctly! Don’t go busting out your dictionaries, it’s the French’s fault, I’m sorry — But they did give us poutine and ‘Joe’ Trudeau — Sean Spicer, you’re truly a beauty! America, I do feel a little sorry for you #SorryNotSorry

The match-up tonight is every hockey fans dream! It’s a battle of the top two rookie scoring leaders in the league!

Laine — 52 Matthews — 49

And with the comments pre-draft this year from Laine, where he believes the Leafs ‘made a mistake’ picking Matthews and Laine would ‘prove it’ — this makes to be an interesting match-up in the #6ix tonight.

In their first match-up this season back on October 19th., Laine proved his point! This blonde European, outspoken, over confident teenager potted his first career NHL hat-trick and Matthews was held goal less. Matthews did get on the score sheet with 1 assist in a 5–4 OT Maple Leafs loss.

Laine has proven to be as explosive as he billed himself to be. While Matthews has the explosive finish to his game, he’s more balanced it seems. A more fine-tuned all-around player and is always looking a step ahead — a player who will dawn the captaincy for the Maple Leafs in the coming years. The greatest comparison between these two kids is exactly the same as back in 05/06 Crosby vs. Ovechkin. One player with huge overall hockey sense. One player stands at the dot and claps howitzers top cheddar where Grandma keeps the peanut butter. One player always looking a play or a step ahead. The other playing in the moment and a few times now, almost playing the last shift of his early career before his brain turns to a NERF-like product.

Living in the #6ix of course I’m a little bias, but I’m trying my best to stay grounded on this one. I know you all feel me! It’s similar to opening the fridge and trying to decide between the 5 day old leftover pepperoni pizza or the 6 day old Popcorn Chicken! Both are risky, but both are required for survival! #WhatWouldYouDo?

It’s going to be an epic game tonight! I don’t think this one is going to disappoint. All I hope is that Laine learns to keep his head up when skating through the neutral zone. I don’t want to see him get hit again like a pinata at a kids birthday party. He got smoked again just a few days ago vs. Montreal, where Radulov laid him flat on his back. I’d hate to see him spill his candies out!

I don’t know about you! But I’ll have my poutine and my strong alcoholic beer ready for this one! I can’t wait! MacRanter guarantee, this game will not disappoint! Santa is coming to town.. I may even rock my PowerGlove!



Mark MacDonald
The Ticket

Sports Enthusiast - Educational Blogger & Ranter Your Source For Educational Ranting #STR8 From The #6ix