Sister Abigail (Era of Wyatt pt. 2)

Michael Lynch
The Ticket
Published in
4 min readMar 13, 2017
Courtesy of WWE

So let’s just say I was a little wrong… Two weeks ago Randy Orton finally revealed his master plan and turned on Bray Wyatt. It turns out his master plan was to get AJ Styles into a Wrestlemania feud with Shane McMahon. What a swerve!

Now it will be Randy “The Pyro” Orton vs. Bray “Cry Baby” Wyatt at Wrestlemania. They could have made it cool. They could have let Harper battle Bray at Wrestlemania and let Orton and AJ feud. They should’ve, could’ve, but didn’t.

So how can they make this story, that they seemingly rushed, interesting? Well I listen to a number of different sports podcasts, and a couple of those are wrestling podcasts. One of the wrestling podcasts I listen to (Going In Raw @realgoinginraw on Twitter), suggested that in order to make this Main Event worthy, they should introduce the actual Sister Abigail character.

“But, but, Randy said he burnt the spirit of Sister Abigail inside the house!?”. He burnt an empty shed. This is still WWE and they can make or break whatever rules they want to. One of the best ways for them to make this Orton/Wyatt feud a main event level would be to introduce Sister Abigail.

How would it happen? Well they would continue to have “An RKO outta no where!” and have Randy beat up and beat down Bray Wyatt. He must look like a shell of a man by the time of Wrestlemania. Have him face Kalisto or someone and get beat. Then at Wrestlemania, have Orton come out confident and sure that he was about to be crowned the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Have Bray come out a little slower, and a little more reserved then usual.

Have the match start, Orton is owning the match. He already hit him with most of his signature moves. He is slapping the mat waiting for an RKO and to officially make this a squash match/bury Wyatt. Then just as Bray stands up the lights hit. You hear the music of a woman singing softly. Then a spotlight shines down on the ramp and you see the chair that Randy burned. You still see the burn marks on it, but then it starts to rock on it’s own.

The lights turn back on and Bray isn’t in the ring any more. Randy is freaking out and looking everywhere, but he doesn’t see Bray anywhere. Then the sudden shout noise that the Wyatt family is known for hits, and Luke Harper and Eric Rowan are both in the ring. Randy falls back and rolls out of the ring. The camera turns to face Randy and then you see behind Randy, a smiling Bray Wyatt sitting in his chair. Randy turns and sees Bray and starts to attack Bray, but this time Bray is out powering Randy and throws Randy Orton back in the ring.

You hear Bray shouting I knew you weren’t dead, I knew you could never die, etc… He hits a Sister Abigail. Pins Orton. 1. 2. 3. The match is over and Bray Wyatt retains. However, Luke Harper still left the family and therefore needs to be punished. As Bray kneels down, Harper gets behind him in the pose, when Rowan attacks Harper. Bray stands up and joins Rowan and they beat up Harper, until Bray grabs him, kisses his forehead, and gives him the Sister Abigail as well.

Then you hear the woman singing softly again. The lights turn off. Then the lights turn on and you see Sister Abigail sitting in the chair in the center of the ring with Bray and Rowan on either side of her. This is how you can introduce Luke Harper as a singles competitor and help keep the Wyatt family strong.

Courtesy of

Now who will be Sister Abigail? There’s a popular theory that it will be Paige, but she isn’t on great terms with the WWE and this would be a character that would have to be around until at least next year’s Wrestlemania, if not for as long as the Bray Wyatt character is around. Another popular theory is that Bray Wyatt’s real life sister Mika Rotunda, which would be amazing for the Bo Dallas story that I still wish they would do.

What Culture’s own Adam Blampied did a “How WWE Should Book” for Sister Abigail. He insisted they have Alexa Bliss come out and say that she is the reincarnation of Sister Abigail. I love Alexa Bliss. I love Bray Wyatt. I would love for this to work, unfortunately I don’t think it makes sense any more because Alexa Bliss is coming into her own as WWE Smackdown Women’s Champion. His story still made sense for a different wrestler though.

In the end, I’m not sure who they would/will chose for the role of Sister Abigail (personally, I think Mickie James could do great, but she’s in her own Wrestlemania program at the moment). I do think introducing Sister Abigail is the one hope they have of keeping the Wyatt family and the Bray Wyatt character alive after Wrestlemania. Thus keeping the Era of Wyatt going.

Find me on Twitter @likemikenba



Michael Lynch
The Ticket

Sports writer, I cover NBA and WWE. I'm always interested in writing for anyone interested in my writing. Add me on Twitter @LikeMikeNBA