The Era of Wyatt

Michael Lynch
The Ticket
Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2017

He’s got the whole damn world… in his hands…

It has been 8 long years, but finally Bray Wyatt is the champion. He has survived losing to the New Day, he survived John Cena trying to bury him, and his career survived not getting the torch passed down from the Undertaker.

When you look at his career as a whole, there’s no reason why Brother Bray’s career should’ve survived all of this punishment. But it did, and now we all have the keys to the kingdom.

Let’s be real though, the Bray Wyatt character survived all of these losses because they struck gold here. They have the perfect person to be Bray Wyatt. He can deliver his lines perfectly and make it all semi-believable. The Sister Abigail back story is amazing, and his blind followers made you believe that he’s a big deal. It was only a matter of time before he got the gold. Now that WWE has big plans for him and Randy Orton at Wrestlemania, it was the perfect time. Sure I, like a lot of other people, would’ve preferred it if he could have won at least some of his prior feuds, but I’ll take what I can get.

Recently on Smackdown (Live), Orton pledged his allegiance to Brother Bray and said he will not challenge him for the championship at Wrestlemania. So either a big swerve is on the way, or hopefully they will keep these two paired together until at least Summer Slam (I would love to see a Luke Harper vs. Bray Wyatt at Wrestlemania).

Future of the Wyatts

I remembered the gold that WWE is sitting on. If they plan on booking Bray strong for the next year, they can book Bray vs. Orton at Summer Slam after Orton made Harper and Rowan leave Bray. Bray is alone and he no longer has his family…

Until the lights hit, Bray gives an amazing speech about family. He stares directly into a camera and says, “Doesn’t family mean anything?” Right then, Bo Dallas walks out, no music or flag, just a serious face. He walks over and stares at Bray. Bo then kneels down to one knee in front of Bray… Bray turns to the camera and starts to laugh and then the music/video flashes and they’re gone.

From there they can push an actual Wyatt family of Bray and Bo strong vs. Harper and Rowan. Meanwhile, put the belt on Orton and have him get into a feud with AJ Styles. This will save Bo’s career, give you a year long feud full of fun powers of darkness promos and can help build Rowan and Harper.

In the end you have to let Bray and Bo go over, but you can do that and still have Harper and Rowan look strong. Heck, if WWE writing is as good as they think, they’ll find a way to bring the family back together and then have a Bray vs. Bo feud.

Do this: Make Wyatt relevant for the next 2 or 3 years (you owe him that), and maybe give him another WWE championship and give him and Bo the tag team titles. Then the Era of Wyatt will be a success.



Michael Lynch
The Ticket

Sports writer, I cover NBA and WWE. I'm always interested in writing for anyone interested in my writing. Add me on Twitter @LikeMikeNBA