What’s a Human to Do?

Kristin Wolff
The Tomorrow Project
1 min readApr 16, 2018

In the next thirty or ten or five years, 47% or 60% or between 6% and 39% of jobs will change, disappear, or be automated.

None of us have a crystal ball, but every time we see a drone, make Alexa laugh, or let our phones pay for groceries, we sense the labor market is changing–and changing big.

Looks friendly enough…

Reports and studies warning of imminent joblessness or promising increased opportunity fill our feeds. Solutions are few–training, self-employment, relocation–and can lack context. It’s as if we’re starting from scratch.

But we don’t have to. There are lots of answers in what workforce systems are already doing. Regional industry partnerships, peer networks, and labs, labs, and more labs. Apprenticeship, TAACCCT, and anything, anytime, anywhere training. Mission-centered innovations around youth, entrepreneurship, good business. Better data.

More tools and resource are emerging in the social and private sectors — Universal Basic Income, platform-based learning, the restructuring of organizations, work, and employment.

Let’s hive-mind and work together so, we’re ready for coming changes, tomorrow — and every day after.

You in? Let us know how you and yours are contributing to a better tomorrow. http://bit.ly/2HD4IPN (It’s short, I promise). And ping us at Social Policy Research.



Kristin Wolff
The Tomorrow Project

Thinker, Doer, Aspiring Rainmaker. Thinks, does at Social Policy Research, thinkers+doers. #workoutloud #FutureofWork #socinn #socent #work #civictech #opendata