Is a Message More Important When a Celebrity Delivers It?

This one is for the people in the back, in case they’re not being heard

Kristi Keller
The Top Shelf


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I like when celebrities sign up for huge writing platforms to write politically fueled rants. It’s compelling to hear what they think about the state of whatever it is they’re ranting about.

Thousands of star-struck minions flock to the celebrity word just like disciples flocked to the bible, and it’s fun to watch it unfold.

Sometimes celebrity words are fascinating and make a lot of sense in the grand scheme. They’ve certainly got clout if they’re able to rack up the applause the way they do.

I’m sure they’re trying to make a difference.

But hundreds of regular people write incredible societal rants too and their messages are just as important, if not more so. Except they’re rarely as heard as the celebrity.

The downside for us regular folk is that our messages are important but we don’t have the clout to be noticed. We also don’t have the luxury of time to be able to carefully craft our messages from the comfort of our ‘bigness.’

Regular folk have jobs to go to, families to tend to, and serious societal issues to worry about. Probably the same societal issues celebrities are…



Kristi Keller
The Top Shelf

Write like no one is reading, because it might be true. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story.