
The Asimov Incident: How a Dirty Old Man Killed My Desire to Write Porn

A chance encounter from the past can have a lasting effect on your future attitude

Denise Shelton
The Top Shelf
Published in
6 min readJun 9, 2021


Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

I don’t write erotica. I’ve never even tried. I’d like to because let’s face it, there’s a lot of money in it, and I could use some more of that. There are several reasons why I don’t write sexually explicit material. Some of them are the usual suspects:

  • I wasn’t brought up that way.
  • It would embarrass my family.
  • I’d have to use a pseudonym, and my ego demands that, if I write something, I want everyone to know that it was me who wrote it.

There are a lot of people who enjoy writing and reading porn. I neither congratulate nor condemn them. I know this, though: they are not my tribe.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about why. It goes a bit deeper than the reasons I gave above. I believe that, more than anything else, a chance encounter with a famous author at a relatively young age informed my choice of subject matter as a writer. Let me explain.

In the right place at the right time

