What Is and What Will Never Be

Reflections on getting a grip

Sherry McGuinn
The Top Shelf


Source: Free-Images.Com

The other day, I came upon a story from a writer who referenced “earworms.” You know…those songs that, love them or hate them, you can’t get out of your head.

I’ve yet to read it, but I am going to hunt it down and do so.

It got me thinking as so many of my ramblings result from a song or songs, that slither through my brain and take up residence for ridiculously large amounts of time. Sometimes, they’ll back off, but the damn things only tease me as they usually come back to further provoke me.

I’m an easy target for repetitive thoughts as OCD and anxiety have rendered me an individual who finds it nearly impossible to shut down and relax. Perhaps some of you will relate. It’s not the most terrible state of being, to run at full throttle eighty-five percent of the time, but conversely, I imagine it’s blissful to be the type of person who can let all the shit go.

On those nights when I’m unable to fall asleep in a flash, lyrics will run through my head on a constant loop until I find myself whispering them.

The title of this story is inspired by Led Zeppelin’s What Is and What Should Never Be. As a huge Zep fan, many of their tunes resonate with me, but this is the one that’s been haunting me, of late.



Sherry McGuinn
The Top Shelf

Long-time writer and big-time dreamer. Screenwriter. Cat mama. Red lip aficionado. sherrymcguinn@gmail.com