Extra Curriculars

A sub finds balance with her busy professional life.

John Galt
The Toy Story
11 min readMay 21, 2022


As you leave the stage, the thumping of your heart in your ears drowns out the thunderous applause. Months of your life have gone into this presentation, and it could not have gone better. You savor the moment as you walk into the arms of your team, who’s waiting in the wings to congratulate you. There’s cheers, smiles, high fives all around, and more ‘thank yous’ than are necessary, but inwardly, your mind is already headed somewhere else:

Your reward.

Plans have been set in advance for dinner, debrief, and drinks after, and those obligations must be kept, but it doesn’t mean they can’t be… delayed.

As they relish your victory, reliving their favorite moments, you quietly find your team lead and explain that you’ll have to miss dinner and meet them for drinks after. There’s a moment of confusion, but he knows better than to question you, and immediately confirms it will be taken care of. As you walk away, you hear him calling the restaurant to adjust the reservations and you smile to yourself; so well trained. How ironic.

Your car is waiting outside, the driver already prepared with the address. He does not speak to you, again, knowing better; his silence prompts more than a smile from you as you feel your nipples harden at his subservience. If they only knew.

Within minutes, you’re stopping on a non-descript block in the Lower East Side. You’re never brought to the same exact place, and you always wait for him to turn the corner before moving. This is yours, and yours alone.

There’s a quick walk to a nondescript building. Your designer clothes are atypical among the young artistic crowd in the area, but you draw no attention; this is New York after all, and Nothing is out of the ordinary here. A single key from your purse opens the heavy door, and you descend two flights of stairs. Old fabric covers the walls, faded but still beautiful in its way. You’ve been here so many times you’ve memorized the pattern and use it as a focus to steady your mind; it’s comforting for you.

Another heavy door, black with a single handle in the center. You know it will be unlocked, as you’re expected tonight, and it pushes noiselessly on its hinges. You let it close behind you, hearing the locks automatically slide into place with a reassuring snick. The room before you is handsome and warmly lit, the walls covered from floor to ceiling in books, save for the mantel and fireplace. Two comfortable couches face each other with an ornate table in the middle, and you see me occupying my favorite spot, reading silently. No acknowledgement of your arrival is made; I don’t so much as look up from my book. You stand expectedly in my peripheral, hoping for an address, so proud of your moment, but you get nothing.

You linger a moment too long, and I speak one sentence, with resounding finality:

“You know The Rules.”

Unequivocal dismissal. You immediately proceed down the hall, cursing your excitement, knowing it will incur punishment. A third door, this one of dark wood stands before you. As many times as you’ve been at its threshold, it still sends a shiver down your spine. The bright silver handle is shaped like a laughing demon, and it’s somehow always warm to the touch.

The room behind is a stark contrast.

Metal floor with a drain set in the center. Metal walls with all manner of tool and implement hanging from them, the black leather standing out perfectly against the polished steel. Harsh industrial lighting, combined with ceiling fans spinning slowly, making shadows play across the floor in perfect rhythm.

In the center of the room, a high backed leather chair, like something from a doctor’s office: straps for the wrists and ankles, a halo light above it, a tray for tools beside. You quiver at the sight of it, goosebumps standing out on your skin.

You strip naked, hanging your clothes on well worn hooks. The floor is cold on your feet, but you walk slowly to the chair, sinking deeper and deeper into Sub Space.

You breathe, sitting silently, knowing I’m making you wait for breaking The Rules, knowing I’ll finish my chapter before coming to you. Your mind wanders to other memories of this room and all it has seen; your labia swelling as you retrace those steps and relive that glorious depravity. You close your eyes, and your fingers move to rub your swollen clit, edging yourself in anticipation of my entrance.

You come to attention as the door opens, suddenly sitting very straight in the chair. I stand at the threshold a moment, admiring the utter beauty before me, and smiling to myself that it’s mine to defile. Under the harsh lights, the signatures of my work can be seen literally etched into your flesh, constant reminders of your place.

As I walk towards you, the weight of my boots resonating through the metal, memories echo through your mind, daring to pull you away. You fight to remain firmly in the moment, but deliciously filthy images are vivid in your mind. I stare into your eyes as I approach, reading your energy, gauging your mood.

I know you’re ready for my worst.

The straps on the chair welcome you like the arms of old lovers, curling easily over your wrists and ankles, cinching tight to your skin. Fixing the strap on your neck brings me close to you, and for the first time, you feel my bare skin on yours. You smile, electrified by my touch, but know it’s all you will get for now.

The chair whirs and clicks as I adjust your position, tilting until you’re laying flat, with arms straight out to your sides. Your legs spread wider and wider, and your ass raises up, giving your holes to me. The halo of light burns brightly, washing out what little color you have. You stare at yourself in the mirrored ceiling for just a moment before closing your eyes to prepare for the coming pain.

You hear my heavy footfalls move to your left. The Impact Wall. Silence as I contemplate which tool to begin with. Again, your heart in your ears. You watch my reflection as I finally decide on a flog with a long black handle and more than a dozen heavy, braided tails; a new toy for a special occasion.

You close your eyes as I turn, calming your mind, relaxing your muscles despite your racing pulse. You will not scream. You will not scream.

My boots stop next to you, and you open your eyes to look up into mine. I say one single word as I raise my arm:


The first lash falls across your chest, catching both of your nipples.

You scream.

Again my hand falls, the leather leaving long, beautiful red welts on your stomach. Again, you scream. You watch me circle in the mirror above you, anticipating the strikes, aching for more.

The braids snap against your torso and thighs, careful to leave marks only where they can be safely covered. You’re settling into the pain, a small smile spread across your face as I abuse you, your screams closer and closer to sounds of joy.

“Tell me what you are” I say as the leather snaps against your bare tits again, welts bright red against your pale skin.

“I’m your filthy, worthless slut, Sir.”



I move between your legs, and for the first time I sense fear in you; that much pain to your swollen, aching lips would be very close to the edge. I dangle the leather over you, brushing it lightly against your clit, teasing you. Your whole body is tense, terrified of the pain, terrified of my power, stuck between what you want and what you need. You close your eyes and try to push your cunt against the leather.

“And what are you good for”

and I lash your swollen lips. Your world explodes in a cocktail white hot pain and orgasmic lust. You shake with fear and pleasure as it rolls over you. You realize you’re screaming moments later.

“I asked you a question, slut”

The leather makes a wet snap as it brakes with your skin; you’re dripping.


Three hard strikes. You’re lost in yourself, completely detached. Had this room not been sound proofed, police would be en route. Your screams peel off the metal walls, chilling even me, though I don’t show it.

After a moment, you feel my warm hand press against your abused lips, comforting you in the pain. You tense in fear, and then relax, loving the warmth. Loving my touch.

“Good girl”

I whisper, feeling you relax and sigh. I run the tips of my fingers gently over your skin, tracing the welts I’ve just made. Without prompting, you say

“Thank you Sir”

and I smile, knowing how much more there is to come. I press the wand against your clit and you moan in pleasure. I fix it in place, the pressure exactly where you want it to be, and begin methodically clipping a line of clothespins to your bare chest, starting at your right nipple and running down your ribs to the outside of your thighs. You writhe and shake throughout, but I’m careful to pull the wand away when you get too close, slapping and taunting you back from the edge, letting your orgasm build. Your eyes follow my progress longingly as I begin the mirrored line on your left, my lips dropping briefly to your swollen red nipple, rolling it between my tongue, and biting it gently. Your eyes close, and you smile. You feel the clips continue down your skin, picturing it in your mind’s eye.

I move between your legs and there’s cold pressure at your cunt. You glance down quickly to see a large fleshy dildo poised at your hole. You tense.

“Tell me you want it” as I press the wand back to your clit

You moan “Mmmmmmm Please sirrrrrrr I want it”



I push it past your swollen lips and you moan again as it fills you completely. Your clit pulses, feeling the veins as you grip it tightly. You would have cum immediately, but you feel warm pressure on your ass hole, bringing you back to reality. You arch your back and suck in air quickly, pulling against your restraints. You know I’m going to claim your ass, but you’re scared of how big I am.

“Please Sir, please be gentle, I haven’t stretched today”

My hand is on your throat, squeezing just hard enough to shut you up. Your back arches further as you feel my lubed head slowly loosen your hole with gentle but firm pressure. I ease myself against you, pushing more and more until with a small pop I’m inside of you. My hand leaves your throat and you sigh in ecstasy as you adjust to my size.

I hold still as your head swims. It’s been so long since you’ve been this full and I know you’re flashing back to those moments. Despite myself, I smile.

You feel me push a bit deeper and you moan as I stretch you to your bounds. God you’ve needed this. Deeper still and the moan turns to a scream, but I don’t stop until my balls lay against you, both of your holes completely filled, just as you have asked. Just as you deserve.

Again, I hold, letting you experience this complete fullness. You’re shaking ever so slightly. Your hands grip the edge of the table, but your breath is steady and even. Our eyes meet, and I begin to ease out of you with both cocks. You arch and moan again, a deep, primal sound of pure pleasure.

When just the tips are left, I push back in, fucking you deeply.

“Oh goodddddd yes, thank you sir.”

My thrusts find a steady rhythm, pushing to different depths, alternating which of your holes is full and empty, all the while getting you closer and closer to orgasm.

“Oh fuck. Oh, Fucckkk. Ohmyfuckinggod. Sir, may I please cum? Please Sir, I need it”

I smile and pick up speed, taking a clothesline in my left hand. “Such an obedient slut.” Cum for me”

A few more hard, deep strokes and you’re there. Your toes curl and your head goes back, mouth open wide. After years of experience, I know exactly when you’re at your peak, and that’s when I rip the whole line of clothespins from your skin.

You scream as the clips pop and the full force of your orgasm crashes over you. I keep fucking you throughout, not slowing, feeling your holes grip me tightly, knowing the pressure inside you must feel unbelievable. I feel warmth as you gush, your juices dripping out around the dido and down onto my cock in your ass.

You’re moaning through gritted teeth. Your eyes meet mine again, alive with fire, needing more.

“Oh Fuck! Fuck me harder! POUND MY FUCKING HOLES”

My hips and balls slap against you as I drill you relentlessly, twisting both of your nipples and dragging my nails over your skin.

“Tell me you fucking love it, whore”

“I fucking love your cock in my ass, Sir. Use my holes. Fill me with cum”

I grab the second string of clothes pins and start pulling them slowly, popping each from your skin individually. You cum a second time, shaking violently and dripping more from your cunt. I rip the last three pins from you and clamp my hand down hard on your throat as my orgasm swells to critical mass.

You know as well as I do what this means, and with the last air in your lungs you squeal with joy at the thought of my cum.

My thrusts slow and I moan deeply.

“Oh fuck, here it comes” two huge shots fill your ass, but I quickly pull both cocks out, spraying once on your swollen lips before pushing myself inside your cunt to finish. Shot after shot coats your insides and a smile creases your face as it fills you up.

When I finally pull myself from you, I see a steady stream dripping from both of your holes and running down your thighs. Your favorite.

I begin to unbuckle you with slow efficient movement. You’re free when I release your neck, but before standing you up, I bend down and kiss you lips gently, staring into your eyes with a smile and stroking the hair from your face. You reach up and hold my face, brushing your thumb softly over my cheek. I press my hand against yours, and turn my lips to kiss it, never breaking eye contact.

You stand on wobbly legs, and I wrap you in your favorite soft robe before carrying you back out to the warm glow of the fireplace. You’d prefer a shower, but we both know you don’t have time to dry your hair, so I place you gently on the couch and begin to rub ointment on your skin to help heal the welts. You run your fingers through my hair as my hands soothe your skin.

Finally, when your heart beat has returned to normal and you’re laying in my arms, I ask you about the presentation. You almost jump up as you tell me how well it went, and how happy you are with it. I watch your excitement build as your mind switches back to work and the rest of your night. I watch as you, mid sentence, grab your clothes and start dressing, not interrupting you with questions, knowing the freight train of your mind is now unstoppable. You begin checking emails as you button your blouse, stopping completely to furiously type an answer to a clearly unnecessary question. I grin to myself, knowing all of these actions so well. As soon as you step into your heels, you start walking towards the door unconsciously, head down over your phone, and I have to grab your hand to bring you back to the moment.

You turn and smile the softest, most radiant smile. I brush the bangs from your face once more and say “Have a wonderful evening, darling. I’ll see you at home”

You kiss me passionately and squeeze my ass, replying “Dinner had better be ready when I get there, I’m starving” before heading up the stairs and out into the warm night.

