I Oblige

A much needed break from a long day of working from home.

John Galt
The Toy Story
7 min readMay 25, 2022


It’s Been Hours.

Meetings, followed by emails, followed by meetings, stopping only to answer questions from your team, some valid and important, others the equivalent of wiping a runny nose. The view from your desk out to the city skyline is stunning, but you haven’t looked; you can’t. Your world has been compressed down into the screens in front of you. Running lines of text mixed with blank faces and droning voices until everything is… gray.

And you realize, in a moment of clarity, it hasn’t been hours, it’s been days. Weeks.

A lifetime.

You take off your glasses, close your eyes and rub your temples, trying to drown out the screaming thoughts of timelines and deadlines and follow-ups andteambuildingandsynergyandandand…

and you hear your door slide easy on its hinges. You know it’s me so you don’t turn, but you can feel me smiling at you, even if you can’t see it. I walk up quietly behind you and gently place my hands on your shoulders; you haven’t unclenched your jaw since breakfast, and you visibly soften at my touch. I slide my hands to your neck, and push my thumbs against the base of your skull, making small circles.

You melt.

I lean forward and kiss a line from your temple to your ear, down your neck and back up your jaw line, my thumbs never stopping their circles, my fingers sliding from your neck to your throat, the pressure light but palpable.

A moan so soft it’s almost a sigh escapes your lips.

You feel my kiss turn to a smile as you slowly tilt your head back, exposing more of your skin to me, wanting my lips against you.

I oblige.

You part your lips and moan again, but you feel my fingers tighten on your throat, catching the sound and holding it. Your eyes open in surprise and you feel my lips at your ear

“I didn’t give you permission to speak, slut. That means silence.”

My fingers tighten further, your skin white against the pressure. Your eyes are squeezed tight and your mouth is wide open.

“Nod if you understand.”

You nod obediently, the shadow of a smile on your lips.

“Good girl”, I say, as the pressure lightens. Your breath is shallow and your eyes are still closed but you’re smiling deliciously.

Still whispering, my lips caressing your ear, I say “To the bed. Now.”

Your eyes slide open and you stare into mine with a look of pure hunger. “Yes, Sir”, you say, knowing this will earn you punishment.

You’ve braced for the slap before it lands, raising blood to the surface of your cheek, instantly red. You stare back at me, Defiant. Still barely above a whisper I say “I said No Sounds, slut. I thought better of you.”

You nod obediently and stand. I don’t like the fucking smile on your face, so I grab you by the back of your neck and force you to your knees.


Again, you know what’s coming; you expect it. Relish it, even. As you crawl to the bedroom, you feel my hands coming down on your ass, spanking you again and again. But you’re perfectly quiet.

You stop at the edge of the bed, obediently waiting for me to give your next command.

“Stand. Strip.”

Your shirt is off in moments. You put your hands at your waistband and look back over your shoulder at me

“Panties stay on.”

You slide your pants down slowly, bending over and showing me your ass, perfectly framed by a thong, the red marks from my hands contrasting your pale skin beautifully. I come up behind you and run my hands over your body, feeling you under my fingers. Breathing you in.

On the bed lay three things: a spreader bar, a wand, and a cattle prod.

A shiver of anticipation runs through your body as you feel the wetness between your thighs growing. I slide a blindfold over your eyes and you can’t help but bite your lower lip expectedly.

You hear the bar jangling in my hands, and feel me fix the cuffs around your wrists. You’ve already slipped so deeply into sub space that you stand limp as I buckle you in and prepare you for your destruction. Goosebumps stand out on your skin as you feel the cold metal against you.

I lay you down and bend your knees up, cuffing your ankles into place, and putting your holes on display. I see now that you’re already soaking wet in anticipation, your panties so dark they’re almost dripping. I smile and press my hand against you, feeling your slick warmth; you smile at my touch and I slap your clit. There’s a sharp intake of breath, but not a sound.

“Good Girl.” I say, as I slap your clit again. You arch your back, pressing yourself against the pressure, and nodding in agreement. I kneel over you and press that hand against your mouth, your tongue darting out to taste yourself, greedily.

I smile. “You’re fucking filthy aren’t you.”
You nod and I say “Answer me, whore”, slapping your clit again
“Yes sir, I’m filthy. I’m your filthy slut”
“And filthy sluts need to be punished, don’t they”
“Yes sir”
“Punish me, sir”
My hand drops to your throat, squeezing hard. I lean in and speak so softly you barely hear it, though you feel as if I had shouted:
“I said Fucking Beg.”
My hand loosens just enough to let you speak. You gasp out: “Please sir, Please punish me. Please I need -”

You feel the wand against you and stop mid sentence, the vibrations coursing through your body.

“You are not allowed to cum until I give you permission. You WILL NOT cum until I say so. Do you understand?” You nod, unable to speak, lost in the pleasure of the wand

and I shock you with the prod.

You scream, so surprised at the jolt as it runs through your veins along with the vibrations. “I said answer me.”

“Yes sirrrrrr I underrrrstannnddddd”, you slur out, starting to shake. I can tell you’re already close, but I push you right to the edge. Your eyes roll back and your mouth opens wide

and I shock you with the prod.

“FUUUUUCK” you scream as I pull the wand away from you and watch you writhe against the restraints, the orgasm fading.


You squeal as we both smell the burnt ozone from the electricity. I push the wand against you again, and you’re instantly back on the edge, trying desperately to push your clit against it.


“Not yet, slut. You’re not allowed to-


-cum yet. Do you-




You’re shaking uncontrollably, as I push the wand against you for a few seconds only to pull it away. Again and again, I get you to the edge and pull you back with a shock, torturing you into madness.

Your moans are husky and raw. Red marks cover you’re body where the prod has been against you; your ass, your thighs, the bottoms of your feet. You’re ravenous. You’re ready.

You feel me move between your legs. I pull your panties to the side and you feel my hard tip against you, the wand on your clit almost forgotten at my touch.

“Please sir I need to Cum, pleasepleasepl-”

I push my cock inside you, burying it to the hilt. You feel my balls laying against your asshole. My right hand holds the wand hard on your clit, and my left hand immediately goes to your throat.

“Cum for me, slut. Now.”

Your whole body tightens, every muscle contracting, squeezing my cock tight as you lose yourself to the pleasure. Your back arches, your hands strain against the bar, gripping it with white knuckles until the crescendo reaches a towering peak, and the waves break.

You moan long, and low, and loud, as you begin to shake violently. I release your throat and pull myself from inside you, letting the pleasure carry you as far as it can, watching the waves wash over you again and again, shaking and crying until you lay still.

Without hesitating, I press my face against you and begin teasing your clit with my tongue, pushing you right back towards it. You moan again and press your hips up against me. I reach up and uncuff each of your hands, then push two fingers into you, my tongue still exactly where you want it.

You throw off the blindfold, and unbuckle your ankles, letting the bar fall. You’re pulling me up. You need me inside you.

I oblige,

pressing against your warmth, allowing it to envelop me, watching your face in ecstasy as all 8 inches slide into you again.

I lace my fingers in yours and pound your dripping hole. Your lips find mine, as you push and strain against my hands, pulling free to wrap your arms around me, digging your nails into my back, pulling me into you, wanting every inch of me to touch every inch of you.

I feel you tense again as another orgasm builds within you. You hold my face, your lips next to mine as you moan continuously and say my name…

and cum.

You’re moaning into my mouth, pressing back against me rhythmically, driving my thrusts home again and again, your hands grabbing fistfuls of the sheets.

As you tighten around me, I’m dragged right to my own edge. My thrusts shorten and get harder as the pressure in my balls builds until my mouth opens wide and I explode.

I moan and shudder as my hot cum fills you. You feel it expanding and building until you’re so full it’s spilling out around my cock. You’re kissing me, pulling me deeper into you, holding me tight. I lay on top of you, breathing hard, feeling you under me, our bodies intertwined as we both come back to earth.

I pull a blanket over us and wrap my arms around you, holding until you stop shaking. I kiss your forehead, and stroke your hair gently, as you pull close to me.

You breathe a soft ‘Thank you’ and drift away in my arms, safe and warm. For a moment, Work can Wait.

