Leverage ChatGPT as a Technical Program Manager to Write Effective Status Reports

Doron Katz
The TPM Toolkit
Published in
6 min readJul 7, 2023


With the story of the year being ChatGPT, squarely focused on everyone from engineers to data scientists, writers, academics, I thought I’d write a blurb on how as a Technical Program Manager, I leverage ChatGPT in my day-to-day. I assume of course unless you have been living under a rock, you have heard of ChatGPT and probably have downloaded the app or access its online tool. If not, head over to https://chat.openai.com/ and create an account and play around with it.

One of the primary yet mandate tasks as a TPM is writing status reports regularly. Well thankfully, your wing-person ChatGPT can help here. In fact, I even asked ChatGPT how it could help me write better status reports, asking the following:

How can I use chatGPT to write a status report, as a project manager

This is what it wrote back:


  1. Provide an introduction: Start by providing a brief introduction about the project, including its name, purpose, and key objectives. For example: “Project XYZ aims to develop a new mobile application that enhances customer engagement and streamlines internal processes.”
  2. Outline project milestones: Specify the major milestones or deliverables achieved during the reporting period. Include any significant accomplishments, challenges, or delays. You can ask ChatGPT for suggestions based on your project’s progress, such as: “Can you help me list the key milestones achieved during the past week?”
  3. Report progress: Describe the overall progress made towards each milestone. Highlight the tasks completed, percentage of completion, and any outstanding work. You can ask ChatGPT for assistance in summarizing the progress, such as: “Can you help me summarize the progress made on each milestone?”
  4. Address issues and risks: Identify any issues, challenges, or risks that have arisen during the reporting period. Explain their impact on the project and any mitigation strategies implemented or planned. Seek advice from ChatGPT on how to address these issues effectively.
  5. Discuss resource utilization: Provide an overview of resource utilization, including the allocation of team members, budget, and any changes made to the resource plan. Mention if there were any resource constraints or if additional resources were required.
  6. Share upcoming tasks: Outline the tasks or milestones planned for the next reporting period. Discuss their importance, dependencies, and estimated timelines. Ask ChatGPT for suggestions on prioritizing and sequencing tasks.
  7. Communicate next steps: Describe the actions that will be taken to address the reported issues, risks, or changes. Provide a clear plan for moving forward and achieving project objectives. You can ask ChatGPT for guidance on formulating actionable next steps.
  8. Conclude with a summary: Summarize the key points discussed in the status report. Emphasize the overall project status, milestones achieved, and upcoming priorities. Seek assistance from ChatGPT in creating a concise and impactful summary.

Fictitious Project

Next, I take the content above and ask ChatGPT:

Write a fictitious mobile app project introduction including its name, purpose, and key objectives

It then generates the following:

Project Introduction

The SwiftConnect project aims to develop a cutting-edge mobile application that revolutionizes communication and connectivity for global travelers. By leveraging advanced technology and intuitive design, SwiftConnect will enhance the travel experience by providing a seamless platform for travelers to stay connected, access essential information, and connect with fellow explorers around the world.

Project Purpose

The purpose of SwiftConnect is to bridge the gap between travelers and their destinations, offering a comprehensive solution to address the challenges faced during international travel. The app will provide a centralized hub of information and services that empower users to navigate unfamiliar territories, engage with local communities, and make the most out of their travel experiences.

Project Key Objectives

  1. Seamless Connectivity: SwiftConnect aims to ensure uninterrupted connectivity for travelers by integrating with local networks, offering reliable internet access, and enabling voice and video calls across borders. The app will prioritize a seamless and hassle-free connection experience, eliminating the need for multiple SIM cards or complicated roaming processes.
  2. Traveler Support: SwiftConnect will serve as a comprehensive travel companion, offering real-time information and assistance tailored to each user’s location and preferences. From personalized recommendations on attractions, dining, and events, to language translation and emergency support, the app will provide a range of services to help travelers navigate new environments with confidence.
  3. Social Networking: The app will facilitate connections between like-minded travelers, enabling them to share experiences, create travel communities, and foster meaningful connections. SwiftConnect’s social networking features will encourage cultural exchange, collaboration on itineraries, and the formation of friendships that transcend borders.
  4. Safety and Security: The safety and security of users will be a top priority for SwiftConnect. The app will provide essential safety information, such as local emergency contacts, medical facilities, and safety alerts. It will also integrate with emergency services and offer features like check-in notifications for loved ones, ensuring peace of mind during travel.
  5. User-Friendly Interface: SwiftConnect will prioritize a user-friendly interface, ensuring a seamless and intuitive experience for travelers of all technological backgrounds. The app will be designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind, empowering users to access the app’s features effortlessly and make the most of their travel adventures.

Project Milestones

Milestone 1: App Conceptualization and Design

  • Define app features and functionalities
  • Create wireframes and mockups
  • Finalize app design

Milestone 2: Development and Backend Integration

  • Develop the front-end of the mobile app
  • Implement backend systems and databases
  • Integrate APIs for connectivity and location services

Milestone 3: Testing and Quality Assurance

  • Conduct thorough testing of app functionality and performance
  • Identify and fix any bugs or glitches
  • Ensure seamless user experience across different devices and platforms

Milestone 4: Deployment and Launch

  • Prepare the app for release on major app stores
  • Create marketing materials and promotional strategies
  • Launch the app to the target market

Report Progress

During the reporting period, we have made significant progress in achieving the project milestones:

Milestone 1: App Conceptualization and Design

  • Completed the definition of app features and functionalities.
  • Finalized the wireframes and mockups.
  • Reviewed and approved the app design, incorporating user-friendly elements.

Milestone 2: Development and Backend Integration

  • Developed the front-end of the mobile app, achieving 80% completion.
  • Successfully integrated backend systems and databases.
  • Completed the integration of essential APIs for connectivity and location services.

Issues and Risks

While progressing towards our milestones, we encountered a few challenges and risks:

  1. Limited Resources: The development team faced resource constraints due to unforeseen personnel changes, leading to a slight delay in development timelines. However, we have adjusted the resource allocation and hired additional developers to mitigate this issue.
  2. Connectivity Challenges: Integrating with local networks in certain regions posed technical challenges, as regulations and network infrastructure varied. We are actively collaborating with network providers and exploring alternative solutions to ensure consistent connectivity across locations.
  3. Resource Utilization: Our resource utilization during the reporting period was as follows:
  4. Team Allocation: The development team dedicated an average of 120 hours per week to the project, focusing on front-end development, backend integration, and quality assurance.
  5. Budget Allocation: 80% of the allocated budget was utilized, primarily for development costs, API integrations, and testing activities.

Share Upcoming Tasks

For the next reporting period, we have planned the following tasks:

Milestone 2: Development and Backend Integration

  • Complete front-end development and user interface enhancements.
  • Conduct comprehensive testing and debugging to ensure a robust application.

Milestone 3: Testing and Quality Assurance

  • Perform thorough functional testing across various devices and platforms.
  • Implement user feedback and fine-tune the app for optimal performance.

Milestone 4: Deployment and Launch

  • Finalize marketing materials and strategies for app promotion.
  • Prepare for the app’s release on major app stores, including the submission process and compliance checks.

OK ChatGPT… Write my Status Report

Alright, an impressive fictitious project. I wanted to take a specific risk sentence, and convert it into an Amazon-style status narrative:

Re-write the following paragraph as a one sentence concise narrative in the format “As of 05/05/23 we are yellow on the issue but have a Path-to-Green to remedy” for the following:

The development team faced resource constraints on the SwiftConnection project due to unforeseen personnel changes, leading to a slight delay in development timelines. However, we have adjusted the resource allocation and hired additional developers to mitigate this issue.

We get back the following:

As of 05/05/23, we are yellow on the SwiftConnection due to unforeseen personnel changes, but we have a Path-to-Green by adjusting resource allocation and hiring additional developers to mitigate the slight delay in development timelines.

As you can see, its quite nifty. You can use it to re-write specific sections, paragraphs and so on. In the above example I used it to re-write the status as an Amazon-style narrative. Remember, when you reply back it remembers the conversation thread and context so you don’t have to repeat yourself.



Doron Katz
The TPM Toolkit

Senior Technical Program Manager at Axon, ex- Amazon. Published author of Continuous Delivery, and various LinkedIn Learning courses.