Welcome to The Tradespace!

A new data exploration and decision making publication

The Tradespace
2 min readAug 10, 2023


A logo for The Tradespace, with a swooping curve of points with a red-blue gradient

The Tradespace is a publication curated by Diakronos: a new company seeking to take 20+ years of cutting-edge research at MIT and put it in the hands of people all around the world interested in better decision making and data analysis. No graduate degree required! Want to learn more about state of the art problem solving for decisions with many alternatives and significant uncertainty? You’re in the right place. Maybe you just need a hand organizing your thoughts before making a choice between a few options? Pick up some tips and tricks here!

We’ll be kicking The Tradespace off with a variety of content to get you thinking about and utilizing tradespace exploration at work and in your day-to-day life. You can expect to find:

  • Tutorials on the MIT-developed methodologies that form the foundation of our decision making ecosystem — Multi-Attribute Tradespace Exploration (MATE) and Epoch-Era Analysis (EEA) — divided into short, easily-digestible pieces
  • Introductions to value modeling: why it can help, how it works, and the pros and cons of different techniques
  • Discussion of different types of decisions and the ways that they can change the effectiveness of analysis techniques, such as the differences between “design” vs. “choice” problems, or the challenge of satisfying multiple stakeholders
  • Previews and bite-sized demonstrations of Diakronos’ software offerings
  • … and many more topics of interest to decision makers and data analysts!

Thanks for dropping by, and we hope you stick around!

- The Diakronos Team

Have any burning questions or interested in contributing? Feel free to reach out to us here on Medium, at social@diakronos.com, or connect with us on Facebook or LinkedIn.



The Tradespace

Diakronos is looking to take 20+ years of cutting edge research and put it in the hands of people around the world.