What is EpochShift?

Say hello to a new age of exploration

The Tradespace
3 min readSep 12, 2023


The EpochShift logo, a lowercase ‘e’ in a tilted red compass

Before we get too deep into discussing the nitty-gritty of tradespace exploration here at The Tradespace, we need to introduce something we’ll be mentioning a lot: EpochShift. EpochShift is the first software offering from Diakronos, taking the principles of Multi-Attribute Tradespace Exploration (MATE) and Epoch-Era Analysis (EEA) and packaging them together in an intuitive, easy-to-use tool for value modeling, exploration, and analysis.

Data is the fuel that fires good decision making, and more and more people/organizations are realizing this truth. While sometimes good data can be hard to come by, it is now common to have reams of data available… but then what? Most modern data analytics and visualization programs offer extremely limited prescriptive support, allowing their users to import large quantities of data but then leaving them to “figure it out” on their own by digging through data manually or developing customized, problem-specific dashboards. EpochShift takes a different approach, seeking to leverage your knowledge of the structure of the problem to streamline the visualizations and analysis it provides. Think of EpochShift as a tool that can take your data, use a small amount of your input to whip it into shape for a proper MATE/EEA study, and then give you the ability to explore deeply in the alternatives and broadly across the uncertainties.

When we talk about exploration and analysis on The Tradespace, we will frequently use example images/videos from EpochShift to illustrate the concepts. Sometimes, we will even highlight unique functionality in EpochShift that we think can directly improve the way that people currently explore their data. For a sneak peek, check out these screenshots — and if you aren’t sure how some of these plots work, The Tradespace will be diving into more detail on these and others soon!

A classic benefit-cost tradespace scatterplot, highlighting only the Pareto front (diamonds) using edge and fill color to show Propulsion Type and Mass, respectively. A hover tooltip shows details on one of the alternatives on the Pareto front.
A classic benefit-cost tradespace scatterplot, highlighting only the Pareto front (diamonds) using edge and fill color to show Propulsion Type and Mass, respectively. A hover tooltip shows details on one of the alternatives on the Pareto front.
A binned scatterplot with hulls drawn around regions of the tradespace with different ranges of Shaft Power. A hover tooltip shows the range of one hull. The relative size of each hexagon indicates the number of alternatives located in that bin.
A binned scatterplot with hulls drawn around regions of the tradespace with different ranges of Shaft Power. A hover tooltip shows the range of one hull. The relative size of each hexagon indicates the number of alternatives located in that bin.
A Pareto Trace grid, with tooltip showing how many alternatives are within 10% of the Pareto front for at least 90% of epochs.
A Pareto Trace grid, with tooltip showing how many alternatives are within 10% of the Pareto front for at least 90% of epochs.
An interactive GUI for the creation of Multi-Attribute Utility functions supporting both the click-and-drag of the curve and tabular entry. The background bar chart shows the distribution of data in the dataset.
An interactive GUI for the creation of Multi-Attribute Utility functions supporting both the click-and-drag of the curve and tabular entry. The background bar chart shows the distribution of data in the dataset.

EpochShift is currently in limited release. If you are interested in learning more about EpochShift or inquiring about early access, head over to www.epochshift.app or contact info@epochshift.app. We hope to have EpochShift available for everyone soon, and we’ll be continuously adding new features and improving the interface in the meantime. Until then, keep following The Tradespace for exciting previews of what EpochShift can offer!



The Tradespace

Diakronos is looking to take 20+ years of cutting edge research and put it in the hands of people around the world.