Sustainably sustainable

Little sustainability hacks that can be incorporated into daily life

Yoli Cimino
The Trail Mix
3 min readFeb 22, 2023


Being a self-proclaimed steward of a dying earth is overwhelming. Constantly the news is telling us that freak storms, abnormally warm winters, and dying species are kinda on us.

Raging against the machine isn’t really my cup of tea, but most of the issues are in fact coming from big corporations that we individuals don’t have much control over. So, even though it isn’t much in the grand scheme of things, here is what I do to keep my conscience and my corner of the earth, a little cleaner:

  1. Period Cups.
    Period cups have quite the learning curve. I’ve owned one for probably 3 years now, but only really got the hang of it in the past 6 months. Once you do have the hang of it, it is a life changer. The benefits include; saving money on tampons or pads, long wear time (up to 12 hours), and comfortability (I forget it’s even there). For the earth, it is an obvious winner. It can be reused for five or more years eliminating virtually all period product waste.
  2. Reusable Water Bottle
    By 2023, if your entire sense of security and togetherness does not rest on a 32 oz water bottle, what are you even doing with your life? That being said, I highly recommend buying a water bottle that you love. One that is pretty much your best friend. Mine is a blue 32oz Hydroflask that I am sure I will have for the next 8 years. It is by my side more frequently than my phone, ensuring maximum hydration and reducing plastic water bottle and dishwasher use. (Do be sure to clean it by hand at least once per week though)
  3. Utilize your local library
    I see a lot of people online complaining that they have too many books, that they spend all their money on books, and that they don’t have time to read them all. Well, let me tell you a very underutilized secret: local libraries. These hidden, forgotten relics of old, house basically any book you could want for free. Too good to be true? Well, let me put it this way, no clutter in your home, no wasting paper, and no cost. The earth and your wallet will thank you.
  4. Thrifting
    Buying second-hand clothing is a great affordable way to fight fast fashion and clothing waste. It can also go both ways, instead of sending old clothes to a landfill, donate them to places like Goodwill or make a few bucks by selling them to Plato’s Closet.
  5. Reusable shopping bags
    This one has become a lot more common over the past few years but is great to emphasize, nonetheless. Reusable shopping bags help cut down on plastic and paper waste, are often sturdier, and can hold more than typical shopping bags. I have a cute reusable shopping bag with little bumblebees on it that fits almost all my weekly groceries.

These might seem small but if you commit to using period cups, reusable water bottles, getting books used, and buying second-hand and putting it all in a reusable bag…you’ve already cut down a ton on your personal yearly plastic and paper waste. Little steps add up and go a long way. What other simple daily sustainable hacks do you have?



Yoli Cimino
The Trail Mix

Documenting life’s misadventures and coffee shop thoughts.