Announcement Day

Matt Walker
4 min readJul 14, 2015


On our first day of travel, I want to take an opportunity to share with you the whirlwind that has been the last 24 hours. We started out our day practicing our remarks, while Dad met with several reporters. Alex and I had a lot of friends coming to join us for the big announcement, so it felt like we were pulling out our phones about once every thirty seconds to make sure they were able to get in to the Expo Center.

About midday, our family got together to get lunch one last time before the event. Mom, Dad, Alex and I were joined by my grandparents Llew and Pat, my Uncle David, Aunt Maria, and their daughters Isabella and Eva. For me, it was good to just sit down with my family and get my mind off of everything going on for a little while. Not only was it great to see family, but it was great to see my grandpa Llew in such great health too.

Here is a photo of Eva and Isabella practicing the night before:

After lunch, we all rushed over to the Expo Center to do a walk-through of the program. Alex and I got the opportunity to practice our remarks to an almost empty room while a few folks from the staff listened in. It’s always a little strange to hear yourself speaking over the speaker system to an empty room. Once we finished practicing, Alex, David and I did a quick interview and then dashed back to the hotel to get changed.

Practicing our speech the afternoon before:

Alex and I had to hurry to change and then we headed right back to the Expo Center to begin introducing the speakers who were before our Mom and Dad. Once we got back and the room was packed with supporters, it all began to get so much more real. At that moment, I became overwhelmed with emotion and nerves at the same time. For the longest time the announcement just seemed like an idea in the distant future, but seeing the energy in the room woke me up and helped me realize that the day was actually here.

Alex and I stepped out on stage first and the enthusiasm of the people in the room made it all much easier to handle. Seeing many familiar faces and friends in the crowd made it easier to speak to the crowd. Grandpa Llew was a jokester, but gave a great prayer, and Uncle David and the girls were great. Jenny Thiel did an amazing job singing the National Anthem. State Senator Leah Vukmir, Mrs. Rachel Campos-Duffy and Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch each knocked it out of the park. They did a great job firing up the crowd and talking about my Dad’s record as a proven leader.

My mom also did an excellent job. I knew she was nervous for her part in the program, but I’ve seen how far she has come in recent years and she was tremendous.

Dad, per usual, was on fire! I thought his remarks showed the American people who he was and outlined his vision going for our country going forward. I’m proud of all he has accomplished and cannot wait to see what he will do going forward.

After wrapping up his remarks, we went around and greeted supporters in the crowd. These guests in the front were fired up and ready to go. I loved their enthusiasm and many folks were excited to share how fat they had driven to be at the announcement.

It truly was an amazing event and I have to give a shout out to Matt Hall, Director of Operations, and his team for the hours they put into this announcement event.

After the event Alex and I waited in the back while our dad sat down with Sean Hannity. We needed to get out of the Expo Center for a bit, because it was way too hot! It was one of the hottest days in Wisconsin this summer and the packed room only made it worse. They even had us cool off in a walk-in cooler in the back with Dad after he finished up his speech.

Next, we headed over to the hotel to join family members and supporters for a late dinner. Dad did a photo line with a bunch of the guests and we got an opportunity to celebrate with friends. Mom and Dad again addressed the crowd and then we called it a night.

Today, we got up early and are headed for Nevada. This is just the first of many stops ahead of us on the announcement tour. Find a stop near you here:

See you soon,


