Rejecting the Trump Cult

A call to Republicans to stop supporting their cult party

Chuck Petch
The Transformation Blog
3 min readJul 23, 2022


In her Substack article, You Can’t Change a Cultist’s Mind by Throwing Evidence At Them, Christine Greenwald presents the case that MAGA Republicans behave like cult members. Facts and reasoning never penetrate their blind loyalty to Trump and the Republican party, no matter how morally bankrupt both are shown to be by Trump's post-election lies, criminal conspiracies, and the events of January 6th 2021.

And here is the perfect example to demonstrate the Trump cult: Days before the 2020 election Steve Bannon broadcast to a listening audience exactly how Trump planned to cheat — cut off counting before mail-in ballots came in, declare victory early whether winning or not, claim fraud immediately upon not winning regardless of facts. Republican Christians always considered themselves the party of morality. So why did that broadcast not ring alarm bells in the heads of every moral Christian Republican and cause them to realize they were supporting a liar and a criminal in the presidency?

Answer: Because they were blinded by unquestioning loyalty to the cult. Their consciences are seared by their own support of gross immorality because they believe the cult is chartered by god for a higher purpose. Never mind that they know god does not condone lying, cheating, or criminal conspiracy to steal elections. They flat out don’t see it because of cult blindness.

Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

And now with the testimony of Trump supporters and fellow Republicans to the January 6th Congressional Committee, all have seen a clear portrait of a sociopathic Trump leading a conspiracy and a mob to overthrow a legitimate election he lost and take over the US government. Even worse, we have seen a psychopathic president inflame the mob with tweets as they entered the capitol intent on murdering members of congress and Vice President Pence. During this time he continued to work the phones conspiratorially trying to strong-arm Republican legislators into voting against certifying the electoral votes. Only when he thought the electoral counting process had been stopped did he call off his traitorous rioters.

How can anyone continue to support not only that psychopathic president but also his Republican party that enabled him and stood with him as he tried to steal an election and make himself a dictator? His party overwhelmingly knew he was cheating and its leadership almost unanimously conspired with him to do so right up to the point where he attempted a violent overthrow. Most finally awoke for a moment on and after the 6th and spoke against the coup, but within weeks they were back supporting him, kissing his ring, or whatever. These same enablers were there that day and knew what he did but excused him. In doing all these things, they immorally and criminally conspired with Trump.

How can anyone support such an immoral and criminal party bent on putting political power ahead of country, the law, and the truth? It’s time to abandon the cult folks! Not just the cult of Trump. But the cult of the corrupt Republican party. It’s time for you to scrap that cult and start again with a new party and rededication to your ideals. I won’t be with you because I support progress, social justice, and a fully democratic government and economy of by and for ALL people. But I do support you as a member of the honorable opposition if you turn from your wicked cult and rededicate yourselves to the Constitution and democratic government according to the law and the truth.



Chuck Petch
The Transformation Blog

MBA, BA English | Prose | Poetry | Spirituality | Progressive Politics | Nature | Personal Growth