I’m Jon Roth, a 21 year old film/tv student in Chicago

and I have way too much shit on my plate.


College life is almost to an end for me, and I have had more on my plate than I ever had in my entire life. Among the things I have to work on for school are:

a) a Shameless spec script
b) a Parks and Recreation spec script
c) a bible for an original drama pilot
d) three scenes to shoot for a directing workshop class
e) a comedic PSA to write/direct
f) a bunch of stuff for my Origins and Fate of the Universe class that I’m not even a little interested in because I’m a cliched art student who dislikes science and math

oh, and I plan on doing a semester in Los Angeles next year, and I have an application and scholarship to do by mid October. Everything else is due by the end November/December.

oh, and I work.

oh, and I’m doing all of this while attempting to find the love of my life (which, if I continue to post on this site, which I quite like so far, I’ll delve into in a further post because of how pathetic that search is)

In short: How the hell am I supposed to do all of this?

I knew going into college that wanting to be in the film/tv business is basically a stupid idea because of how hard it is to get a job. It’s all about luck and who you know. Recently, a good friend of mine just got her pilot optioned. She’s 22. If something like that happens only once in blue moon, well then there goes my flight to early success.

And I know that it’s gonna take a while before any kind of success in this field (based on my definition of success, which is different from everybody else’s), but that doesn’t mean I have to be comfortable with it.

All the while I’ve been writing this post, I could have been working on one of the aforementioned projects. Derp.

