Trans Freedom Is Religious Freedom

We Kick the Ass of Religious Posers

Bethany Beeler
3 min readOct 27, 2019


Trans Persons Journey Deep and High in the Spirit

Trans persons look down on religious people from a spiritual height.

Refusing to house/hire/admit-the-existence of trans folk is not “religious freedom.” TRANS PERSONS are the ones who exercise religious freedom.

Trans Martyrs

Trans women of color die for the sins of those who brutalize and kill them at an epidemic rate.

Christians argue that martyrdom is key to believing that Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead. Amid being crucified upside down (Peter), stoned to death (Stephen), beheaded (Paul), roasted on a grill (Lawrence), baked in an oven (Cecilia), mauled by wild animals (Perpetua and Felicity), Christian martyrs didn’t say, “Hold on! Now that you mention torturous death, let’s rephrase the idea that Jesus is Lord and rose from the dead. Don’t y’all get metaphor?”

Trans persons die at your hands and claim, to the death, our truth.

TRANS PERSONS are the ones who exercise religious freedom.

Trans Spiritual Journeys

Trans persons grow up in your gender-binary-obsessive culture that forces us to deny our identity. No one is more ruthlessly and intensely…



Bethany Beeler

Author of North Street Book Prize Finalist, _How to NOT Know You’re Trans_, and artist. Her work has been published in multiple publications.