What A 7-Year Old Could Teach Transphobic Conservatives.

Kira Wertz
The Transition Transmission


The conservative media propaganda machine has been losing its mind over a Texas-based custody battle regarding a Transgender Child. The child , who was assigned male at birth, identifies as female; and has an affirming mother, and a non-affirming father. The decision to permit a primary conservatorship to the child’s affirming mother was determined by an 11–1 jury.

Unsatisfied with the efficacy of the already conservative-leaning Texas Justice system, the child’s father, Jeffrey Younger, decided that he was going to appeal to a higher power. He rallied conservative Christians who actively mainline the Bible as an “end-all-be-all” authority on science; and
espouse a focused hatred for Godly beings, who happen to bear one or more labels that are reflected in the LGBTQ+ Rainbow.

The results of Mr. Younger’s religious pandering set the internet’s Christian Keyboard Commandos in a Jack-booted lockstep tirade that seethed with anger fueled by an abundance of ignorance regarding the best practices for safely and successfully transitioning a child to the gender they with which they identify.

Devoid of research, or even common sense, these self-righteous and anti-social justice warriors lit a proverbial bonfire so big that even the most rational among them couldn’t see past the lies, misinformation, and conveniently ignored statistics. They dragged out old and tired anti-trans tropes in an effort to rally around the rights of the father, while…



Kira Wertz
The Transition Transmission

Pansexual, Transgender Truck Driver, public speaker, activist, LGBTQ advocate, Jeeper and periodic author at The Transition Transmission.