At last: this is what a greenhouse should be doing

Charles Miller
The transparent shed
2 min readJan 23, 2016

I can’t help feeling my greenhouse has been underperforming during its first few weeks. So I was delighted to visit it today and see the sun was pouring in through its toughened glass and that its automatic window (£27 from the Greenhouse People) had decided to ease itself open to cool things down inside.

Further inspection revealed that conditions were positively tropical.

The plants looked contented, and I could actually hear them growing — a subtle background buzz of gentle organic stretching.

Being in the greenhouse was like being part of one of those natural history time-lapse sequences, in real time. But can it last?


Originally published at on May 25, 2015.



Charles Miller
The transparent shed

Writer and producer, CoinGeek. Former BBC documentary producer. PhD student in History, University of Roehampton @chblm