Courgettes v marrows

Charles Miller
The transparent shed
2 min readMay 16, 2016

Only a week ago, I planted several lots of seeds from the bumper pack I bought back in January: courgettes, marrows and onions. I hope I’m not too late to be starting now (like Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman).

I am hugely impressed with the courgettes:

Especially when the marrows look like this:

I haven’t grown onions before, so I don’t know what to expect from them. I’ve planted some outside and some in the greenhouse. There are signs of life from the ones in the greenhouse, but I can’t really believe I’m ever going to end up with real onions:

Finally, although it’s nothing to do with the greenhouses, I couldn’t ignore the colour of our new rhododendron, recently acquired from a garden centre and therefore, in my mind, cheating. Its colours are so bright that they practically broke my camera. Is there a colour equivalent of over-exposure — because that’s what I was getting? The only way I could try to stop this picture burning out (or, as I say, the colour equivalent) was to under-exposure, and then brighten in Photoshop — and even that didn’t completely work. Still, I’m not complaining: they look great:

Originally published at on May 16, 2016.



Charles Miller
The transparent shed

Writer and producer, CoinGeek. Former BBC documentary producer. PhD student in History, University of Roehampton @chblm