Cutting those geraniums down to size

Charles Miller
The transparent shed
2 min readJan 23, 2016

Many of the plants that I inherited from my mother are geraniums. But they were lanky — with long featureless stems leading to the odd flower or leaf at the top. They looked like creatures from a planet with low gravity.

Fortunately, my mother-in-law knows about this kind of thing, and so when she came to lunch I persuaded her to get to work with the secateurs while I filled some spare pots with my nutritious compost.

We soon had a collection of new pots with the cut stems she had designated as new plants, and a much more respectable collection of the original plants with their dead leaves and flowers removed.

My mother-in-law told me to water the pots thoroughly but then to leave them, rather than constantly rewatering them while the new plants get established. I don’t know why, but perhaps it encourages the new roots to grow because they have to dig deeper in search of water?

Good work — except I now have twice as many geraniums to look after.

Originally published at on June 14, 2015.



Charles Miller
The transparent shed

Writer and producer, CoinGeek. Former BBC documentary producer. PhD student in History, University of Roehampton @chblm