From greenhouse to… gut?
I hate that phrase you hear on food programmes on the radio: ‘from farm to fork’. But what would the greenhouse equivalent be: ‘from greenhouse to gut’? ‘From greenhouse to gustatory experience’? ‘From greenhouse to getting supper’?
Well anyway, if we had a suitable phrase, we could have used it yesterday, because we went from this:
And this:
To this:
And this:
And jolly good they were, though I say so myself.
When you take a kitchen knife into the garden to cut a vegetable, suddenly it moves from a world where a bit of mud and the odd insect are normal to one where tiny blemishes are examined forensically and removed before cooking and consumption.
I planted both courgette and marrow seeds in the greenhouse a few months ago, but I can’t remember which were where. I suspect the darker one here was a marrow and could have carried on growing more and the lighter one was a courgette. They seemed to taste the same though, and probably both better than a big marrow would do in a month or so.
Originally published at on August 7, 2016.