Asteroids Guiding the Way to Wealth: a Series Part 2

The Trap Chronicle
Published in
4 min readDec 27, 2023

Business astrology is a branch of astrology that applies astrological principles and techniques to business and financial matters. It can help you understand the cycles and trends that affect your business, as well as your strengths and weaknesses as an entrepreneur or investor. Asteroids, like Tyche, Banks, Forbes, and Wage, can add fascinating layers of insight to navigating your business strategy. In Part 1, we uncovered their current location and how to utilize this energy effectively for your professional endeavors. The same can be applied depending on the planet, sign, and house of these asteroids in the astrology chart of your business. Here’s how you can utilize them:

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Tyche’s placement and aspects can be used to identify areas where unexpected opportunities or serendipitous events might impact your business. Imagine Tyche, the goddess of fortune, nestled comfortably in your 2nd house of material possessions and values. This placement imbues you with an almost magnetic attraction to financial abundance. Stability and prosperity become second nature, and windfalls of cash or resources may unexpectedly grace your path, like finding a hidden treasure chest.

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Remember, Tyche is not a guarantee of success, nor is it a substitute for hard work and planning. Tyche also reminds us that life is unpredictable and that chance plays a significant role in shaping our destinies. Don’t leave your fate to chance. Balance Tyche’s whims with your own agency. Hone your skills, refine your goals, and stay tuned to market forces. Be the architect of your luck — proactive, prepared, and ready to adapt. Start building your fortune today!

Asteroid Banks can reveal your innate financial instincts, potential sources of funding, and areas where financial discipline or restructuring might be needed. Banks’ placement in signs associated with finance (Taurus, Capricorn) or stability (Virgo) can highlight areas of safe and secure investments, wealth management strategies, or long-term financial planning. Banks’ placement in adventurous signs (Sagittarius, Gemini) or its aspects with Jupiter (expansion) could suggest opportunities for international financial ventures, foreign investments, or global partnerships. Focus on houses like the 2nd (money/values), 8th (investments/debt), and 10th (career/financial goals to uncover the missing pieces to your next big win.

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Asteroid Forbes can provide insights into the possibilities of wealth, business success, or entrepreneurship in a chart using different positions, aspects, or points that could signify financial matters or career success. Forbes can highlight your natural ability to build a strong business image, attract influential figures, and navigate public relations. Transits of Forbes over natal financial planets or house cusps can signify key moments for financial decisions or windfalls. This asteroid can also provide updated information regarding pivotal moments for career changes, promotions, or industry shifts.

Anytime Asteroid Forbes is transiting through a business financial house (2nd, 8th, 10th) reveals areas of financial abundance but also potential challenges. This can also be where you’re able to uncover hidden financial resources. When Forbes makes its way through any of the financial houses, it highlights promises for economic growth, lucrative contracts, or market shifts. Transits of Forbes over natal financial planets or house cusps can signify key moments for financial decisions or windfalls. Forbes’ placement in signs associated with innovation (Aquarius, Gemini) or finance (Taurus, Capricorn) could offer insights into potential sectors for profitable investments or disruptive technologies.

Lastly, we make our way to Asteroid Wage. Wage can shed light on your negotiation skills, earning potential, and areas where you might need to advocate for fair compensation or adjust your pricing strategies. Harmonious aspects with planets like Saturn or Mars suggest fair compensation, hard work rewarded, and potential for financial growth. Dissonant aspects might indicate unfair deals, undervaluing your work, or financial struggles. Wage’s position in houses associated with fairness (7th, 8th) or partnerships (5th, 7th) could suggest opportunities to implement equitable compensation models, attract and retain talent through competitive salaries, or build strong relationships with employees based on trust and mutual benefit.

Harmonious aspects with Venus (harmony) or Jupiter (generosity) might indicate periods of successful contract negotiations, bonuses, or profit-sharing arrangements that boost employee morale and productivity. Wage’s placement in signs associated with technology (Aquarius, Gemini) or change (Uranus, Pluto) could signal the potential for implementing automation to improve efficiency, upskilling employees for new job roles, or adapting to shifting labor market demands.

By incorporating these asteroids into your business astrology analysis, you gain a deeper understanding of your potential for success, financial strengths and weaknesses, and how to navigate the dynamics of the marketplace.

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The Trap Chronicle

Business Consultant & Astro·preneur ✨ Employing celestial insights to drive success for visionary business leaders. 📈