From Pennies to Progress: How Pluto in Aquarius is Shaping the Music Industry with the Living Wage for Musicians Act

The Trap Chronicle
Published in
6 min readMar 9, 2024

A recent bill introduced in Congress, the Living Wage for Musicians Act, is shaking things up in the music industry. But this isn’t just about fairer pay for artists — it’s a potent symbol of the astrological shift we’re currently experiencing with Pluto in Aquarius.

For those astrologically inclined, Pluto — the planet of transformation and revolution — has been transiting Aquarius, the sign of innovation and community, since 2023. This transit signifies a period of deep change for social structures, particularly those that have become outdated and inequitable.

The music industry is a prime example. Streaming services have revolutionized music consumption, but for many musicians, it’s a race to the bottom. Current royalty rates mean it takes millions of streams to earn a meager living. The Living Wage for Musicians Act proposes a minimum payout of one cent per stream, a significant increase that would offer a crucial lifeline to countless artists.

This act embodies the Aquarian spirit of progress. It challenges the status quo, prioritizing fairness and collective well-being over the profit margins of a few. This aligns perfectly with Pluto’s transformative power. The current system, where a select few reap the rewards while the creators struggle, is being dismantled.

Here’s how the Living Wage for Musicians Act reflects the influence of Pluto in Aquarius:

Strength in Numbers: How Aquarius Fuels the Collective Action Behind the Living Wage for Musicians Act

The Living Wage for Musicians Act isn’t just about a single politician championing a cause. It’s a powerful symbol of collective action, a concept deeply rooted in the astrological sign of Aquarius. Aquarius, with its emphasis on community, progress, and social change, thrives on collaboration and working towards a common goal. This collective spirit is precisely what’s driving the Act forward.

Here’s how the Aquarian influence manifests in the fight for fairer pay for musicians:

Uniting Diverse Voices: Aquarius transcends individual differences. The Act isn’t just about musicians; it’s a collaborative effort. Legislators, artist unions, and individual musicians have come together, recognizing their shared interest in fair compensation. This united front increases the Act’s visibility and strengthens its impact.

Community Power: Aquarius celebrates the collective. The Act isn’t a top-down decree. It’s a grassroots movement fueled by the collective power of the music community. Musicians are using their voices and platforms to raise awareness, garnering public support for the cause. This community power is a potent force that legislators can’t ignore.

Progress for All: Aquarius is a humanitarian sign. The Act isn’t just about individual gain; it’s about creating a fairer music industry for everyone. By securing a living wage, musicians can focus on creating art without financial anxieties. This ultimately benefits music fans who get to enjoy a richer and more diverse musical landscape.

The Aquarian spirit that encourages collaboration, community building, and social progress is what’s propelling this Act forward. With musicians, unions, and legislators working together, the fight for fair pay becomes a powerful force for positive change in the music industry.

Reimagining the Model: How Aquarius Embraces Tech to Drive Fair Pay in the Living Wage for Musicians Act

The rise of streaming services revolutionized music consumption, but for many musicians, it’s been a double-edged sword. While their music reaches a wider audience, current royalty rates make it nearly impossible to earn a living wage solely through streaming. The Living Wage for Musicians Act acknowledges this reality and embraces the power of technological innovation, another hallmark of Aquarius. This astrological sign thrives on progress and isn’t afraid to challenge the status quo. The Act leverages existing technology to create a new, more equitable compensation model for the digital age.

Here’s how the Act embodies the Aquarian spirit of technological innovation:

Adapting to Change: Aquarius is all about embracing the future. The Act recognizes that streaming is the dominant form of music consumption and doesn’t try to fight a losing battle. Instead, it proposes a solution that works within the existing technological framework.

Harnessing Existing Tech: Aquarius encourages using technology for good. The Act doesn’t require complex new systems. It proposes a tweak to the existing streaming model — a higher per-stream payout — that leverages the same technology platforms musicians already use

Building a New Future: Aquarius is a visionary sign. The Act isn’t just a temporary fix. It aims to create a sustainable model for artist compensation in the digital age. By ensuring musicians earn a living wage through streaming, the Act paves the way for a more vibrant and equitable music industry for years to come.

The Living Wage for Musicians Act isn’t a rejection of technology. It’s a testament to the Aquarian spirit of embracing innovation to solve problems and create a better future. By leveraging existing technology in a new way, the Act proposes a solution that’s both practical and forward-thinking. This innovative approach could revolutionize the way artists are compensated in the digital age, ensuring that music continues to thrive.

Challenging Power Structures: Pluto dismantles what’s no longer working. The Act challenges the current power dynamic in the music industry, pushing for a fairer distribution of wealth.

Disrupting the Status Quo: How Pluto in Aquarius Fuels the Fight for Fair Pay in the Music Industry

This isn’t just about raising artist compensation; it’s a challenge to the very foundation of the music industry. This audacious spirit aligns perfectly with the astrological influence of Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto, the planet of transformation and revolution, is currently transiting Aquarius, the sign of innovation and social justice. Together, they create a potent force for dismantling outdated systems and demanding a more equitable distribution of wealth.

Here’s how the Act embodies the transformative power of Pluto in Aquarius:

Shifting the Balance of Power: Aquarius seeks equality, and Pluto dismantles what no longer works. The Act challenges the current power dynamic in the music industry, where a select few streaming platforms and record labels hold immense power over artists’ livelihoods. By demanding a fairer share of revenue, the Act aims to redistribute wealth and give artists more control over their careers.

Exposing Inequalities: Pluto shines a light on hidden truths. The Act exposes the current royalty system’s unfairness, highlighting the disparity between the massive profits generated by streaming services and the meager payouts received by artists. This awareness is crucial for building public support and pressuring the industry to make a change.

Building a New Paradigm: Aquarius envisions a better future. The Act isn’t just about fixing a broken system; it’s about creating a new model for artist compensation in the digital age. By establishing a living wage for musicians, the Act paves the way for a more sustainable and equitable music industry where artists are valued for their contributions.

The Living Wage for Musicians Act isn’t a small-scale reform. It’s a direct challenge to the status quo, fueled by the transformative power of Pluto in Aquarius. By dismantling the existing power structures and demanding fairer pay for artists, the Act paves the way for a more just and sustainable music industry for everyone involved. This fight isn’t just about musicians; it’s a symbol of a larger societal shift towards a more equitable distribution of wealth and power.

While the artistic fire burns bright within creatives, neglecting the business side of things can leave them vulnerable. The music industry, for example, is full of cautionary tales of talented artists who are financially exploited simply because they lacked the knowledge to negotiate fair deals or manage their finances effectively. Building a strong business foundation doesn’t diminish the creative spirit; instead, it empowers it. By understanding basic business concepts like marketing, budgeting, and intellectual property rights, creatives can take control of their careers, secure fair compensation for their work, and ensure their artistic endeavors have a sustainable future. This allows them to focus their energy on what they do best — creating — without the constant worry of financial instability. In essence, a strong business foundation becomes the essential toolbelt that allows creatives to translate their artistic vision into a thriving and sustainable career.

This act is just one example of how Pluto in Aquarius is playing out. As this transit continues, expect to see more social and economic reforms that prioritize equality and innovation. Whether you’re a music lover or an astrology buff, this is a fascinating time to witness a transformation that could reshape the way artists are valued and compensated.



The Trap Chronicle

Business Consultant & Astro·preneur ✨ Employing celestial insights to drive success for visionary business leaders. 📈