Mercury Retrograde in Aries for the Rising Signs: Business and Finance

The Trap Chronicle
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2024

Aries Rising: During this Mercury retrograde, exercise wisdom in your business decisions. Avoid impulsive moves based solely on emotions. Instead, carefully consider financial choices, contracts, and career moves.

Taurus Rising: Focus on reviewing your financial strategies. Reevaluate your goals and plans. Adjust your approach if necessary. Consider new ways to generate funds through acts of service. Patience and persistence will pay off.

Gemini Rising: Communication glitches may affect your business interactions. Double-check contracts and avoid hasty decisions. Use this time to reflect on your networking strategies. Reconnect with old contacts and revisit past opportunities.

Cancer Rising: Financial matters may feel confusing. Take a step back to assess your financial stability. Revisit budgeting and investment plans. Seek emotional balance while navigating business relationships.

Leo Rising: Focus on reevaluating your career path. Reflect on your professional goals and achievements. Use this retrograde to fine-tune your business strategies. Avoid major changes; instead, refine existing plans.

Virgo Rising: Pay attention to communication breakdowns in business partnerships. Review joint ventures, contracts, and financial agreements. Use this time to analyze your investments and seek clarity.

Libra Rising: Mercury retrograde may disrupt work routines. Revisit daily tasks and organization. Prioritize self-care to maintain balance. Be cautious with financial decisions; seek advice if needed.

Scorpio Rising: Focus on financial introspection. Reevaluate long-term goals and investments. Use this retrograde to uncover hidden financial patterns. Trust your instincts but avoid impulsive actions.

Sagittarius Rising: Communication challenges may impact business travel or international ventures. Revisit expansion plans and cross-cultural connections. Adapt your strategies and stay open-minded.

Capricorn Rising: Review financial structures and debts. Reevaluate joint resources and shared finances. Use this retrograde to strategize long-term stability. Seek practical solutions and avoid unnecessary risks.

Aquarius Rising: Communication mishaps may affect business collaborations. Revisit contracts and partnerships. Use this time to innovate and explore unconventional financial avenues. Trust your intuition.

Pisces Rising: Focus on intuitive insights regarding business decisions. Revisit creative projects and financial investments. Use this retrograde to align your work with your spiritual purpose.

Remember, Mercury retrograde encourages reflection and reevaluation. Use this time wisely to fine-tune your business strategies and enhance financial stability



The Trap Chronicle

Business Consultant & Astro·preneur ✨ Employing celestial insights to drive success for visionary business leaders. 📈