Vijaydashmi — The Final Battle (Retold)

Rishis, demigods, demons, Yakshas, Nagas, and Rakshasas all were equally amazed at the sight of the extraordinary battle going on between Lord Rama and Ravana. The fierceness of the battle made their hairs stand on end. Everyone knew that this is going to be a conclusive battle, but the end of the battle didn’t seem close. Both fighters seemed equally capable of warding off each other’s attacks and were doing so without stopping even for a single moment over the last many days.

Matali, the chariot driver of the king of heaven Indra, was serving Lord Rama as the chariot driver in the war. He observed that Lord Rama is simply answering the attacks of Ravana by releasing similar attacks toward him, and hence was assuming a defensive stance. Overcome by the desire to see Lord Rama win quickly he suggested assuming an attacking strategy and releasing the undefeatable weapon presided by Brahma himself. Lord Rama remembered that formidable weapon that was presented to Him by Agastya Muni.

Lord Rama drew that arrow from His quiver and fixed it on His celebrated bow. As the onlookers became frightened by the very sight of that ghastly arrow which was soaked in the blood of enemies it killed previously, Lord Rama drew the arrow to His ears and released it.

It flew towards Ravana with unmatchable velocity leaving a trail of smoke behind it. As Ravana was about to shoot his arrow in defense, that fierce arrow went through his chest smoothly, piercing his heart.

rāmas tam āha puruṣāda-purīṣa yan naḥ
kāntāsamakṣam asatāpahṛtā śvavat te
tyakta-trapasya phalam adya jugupsitasya
yacchāmi kāla iva kartur alaṅghya-vīryaḥ

‘Lord Rāmacandra said to Rāvaṇa: You are the most abominable of the man-eaters. Indeed, you are like their stool. You resemble a dog, for as a dog steals eatables from the kitchen in the absence of the householder, in My absence you kidnapped My wife, Sītādevī. Therefore as Yamarāja punishes sinful men, I shall also punish you. You are most abominable, sinful and shameless. Today, therefore, I, whose attempt never fails, shall punish you.’ — Srimad Bhagavatam 9.10.22

evaṁ kṣipan dhanuṣi sandhitam utsasarja
bāṇaṁ sa vajram iva tad-dhṛdayaṁ bibheda
so ’sṛg vaman daśa-mukhair nyapatad vimānād
dhāheti jalpati jane sukṛtīva riktaḥ

‘After thus rebuking Rāvaṇa, Lord Rāmacandra fixed an arrow to His bow, aimed at Rāvaṇa, and released the arrow, which pierced Rāvaṇa’s heart like a thunderbolt. Upon seeing this, Rāvaṇa’s followers raised a tumultuous sound, crying, “Alas! Alas! What has happened? What has happened?” as Rāvaṇa, vomiting blood from his ten mouths, fell from his airplane, just as a pious man falls to earth from the heavenly planets when the results of his pious activities are exhausted’ — Srimad Bhagavatam 9.10.23

For a moment everyone watching this fight froze with open mouths in amazement. In the blink of their eyes, they saw the fast-paced arrow penetrating a few inches into the ground behind the chariot of Ravana. The arrow however was dripping with fresh blood, and they knew that it had penetrated the body of Trilokvijayi Ravana. They saw Ravana fall from his chariot to the ground with a loud thud. Silence pervaded the battlefield. For a moment everything became a standstill. Suddenly a wave of chaos and confusion arose in the ranks of rakshasas whose master’s dead body was lying on the ground with blood gushing out from his chest.

For monkeys, it was time for celebration. They started attacking the remaining army of Ravana with greater enthusiasm. Followers of Ravana became inflicted with deep sorrow at the sight of the death of their master. They started running towards the fort of Lanka in a grief-stricken state chased by Lord Rama’s army.

Demigods, rishis, and all denizens of heaven started showering flower petals on Lord Rama. They felt satisfied seeing the victory of their Lord, and defeat of their tormentor.

This was the end of Ravana, and this will be the end of any civilization which is living its life based upon the principles of Ravana.

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