Must Bring Items When Traveling

Jasmine Boris
The Traveler’s Handbook
3 min readSep 8, 2019

Packing can either be a 20 minute ordeal or a few days worth of planning. One major factor is feeling like you may forget something! The good thing is that most things you can purchase in almost any town. However, it is good to have a little checklist. Below is a list that I personally check off when packing things other than clothes.


First thing that I always pack is a water bottle! Always needed and I have never regretted it. It is especially nice because you can always refill them and then can avoid paying for water, as many countries do have drinkable tap water.


This allows for a little peace of mind during traveling. I normally opt for a couple small ones from the dollar store and have never had any issues. Typically, they are great to secure the zippers on your backpack shut so no one tries to get into it, but are also handy when in shared spaces to secure bags in lockers (hostels, locker rooms, etc.).


Different from your daily bag or backpack, it is a wise choice to bring a compact bag or tote so that you can carry extra things you may acquire during your daily adventures. One day you may decide to grab some groceries, or a book may catch your eye while strolling around a town. It also can be that “personal item” bag for your flight back!


If you’re like me and enjoy some tunes once in a while, don’t forget your headphones! Additionally, some flights do not include headphones for their on-flight entertainment and having your own, comfortable earbuds will be a godsend during those long flights.


These are phenomenal because they take up practically no room in your bag and can be used for various reasons! You may have decided to go swimming spontaneously, or need something small while backpacking for showers, or may have sweat a little more than expected, these towels come in so many sizes and have endless possibilities.


When I have forgotten lip balm during a long vacation, I tend to realize about half way through that my lips are peeling. The brands you find while traveling may not be what you are looking for either, so just trust me and bring your lip balm.


Sometimes it does not seem necessary, but even overcast and gloomy skies can hurt your eyes. Bring a pair of sunglasses along to save yourself from squinting in every picture.


There are many places in other countries where females cannot show parts of their bodies, so it is important to always have something to cover up. Bring a shawl or big scarf that can also double as your beach towel and you will be good to go! Men tend to not have as many restrictions, but try to be aware of cultural attire as well, prior to packing all your tank tops.


Always, always, always pack some ibuprofen with you. Headaches, back aches, and pain in general are no fun- especially when traveling! Plus, normally store brands have a bottle for $1, so pick one up to carry around in case something catches you by surprise.


I’m all for people watching and immersing myself in the culture while traveling, but there’s something comforting about having a book or pen and paper with you. It provides a way to take a breath and an outlet while you are abroad.

What are your must bring items? List them in the comments below!

