Nikki Zimbler: From Behind the Small Screen to the Real World Movie!

Emily Milsom
The Travelling Womxn
4 min readSep 25, 2020

Nikki Zimbler, 46, UK, is a larger than life character. She says what she means and speaks her truth. Nikki is a firm believer in using only what you need and respecting the cultures you encounter. Truly a force to be reckoned with.

In her youth, Nikki wanted to be a filmmaker and this made up the majority of her younger life and career, from a 3 month-long unpaid internship to a 5-year job working for a well-known producer. Nikki put her all into her work, something she still does to this today, and began working her way up the production ladder.

At the time Nikki worked mostly for her passion, leaning on her parent’s support to supplement the ridiculously low wages. It was an exciting time of her life, but it was all-consuming.

Lessons Learn by Doing

Her time in film wasn’t wasted. It taught her lessons a classroom would never have had. Like how to fake it until you make it. That pushing yourself beyond what you knew was scary as hell but having faith that it could change your whole life. For Nikki, it taught her she could do pretty much anything she put her mind to.

After spending another five years under the tutelage of the ICM talent agency, Nikki learnt even more about the business of show, but ultimately the itch to do more, to see more, began to rise within.

In particular, Nikki had always had a desire to see Vietnam. In her youth, she’d watched powerful films such as Platoon which had fascinated her but Nikki wanted to see the reality of the country she had seen on the big screen. She wanted to know what had happened after the war. So after saving money for a 6-week trip, Nikki headed into the unknown with just a friend and her sense of adventure by her side.

Falling in Love

It was a lot to take in. An incredibly daunting place, Nikki instantly felt like a fish out of water but the place quickly settled in her soul. They travelled further into Vietnam, crossed into Cambodia and Laos but it was in Saigon that she left her heart. Her new dream was to work and live in Vietnam by working as a Tour Leader.

Incredibly, Nikki serendipitously ended up meeting the guy who used to be the Tour Leader Manager of the very company she wanted to work for, and all because of a broken-down motorbike. After some toing and froing, she got the job, sold her worldly possessions and began taking people on holiday. It was a dream job, pulling in all her life experience and her deep, deep appreciation for the country. Nikki lived well for the following five years, staying in the Tour Leader house when not working.

When her time was up in Saigon, Nikki took on a new adventure in Siem Reap, Cambodia, working two days a week for two years. She took the time her body needed to rest and truly fell in love with this fascinating country.

The next time she fell in love though, it wasn’t with a country, it was with a man she’d met online. He suggested travelling and Nikki knew she had the savings from her tour days to support her and that it was time to see more of the world. So she went for it.

Meeting the World

Over the following year, the pair visited Thailand, Croatia, Mexico, South America, Dominican Republic and even took a road trip across the US. Life was enjoyed and with their relationship still going strong, the pair ended up tying the knot. They discovered a rhythm of travel which worked for them; three months together, and then a few weeks travelling apart.

2020 has been only a slight change to the plan, with COVID keeping them apart for longer than usual and Nikki facing a quarantine scare in Vietnam at the beginning of the world pandemic. They are both currently settled in Portugal for the time being.

Living Consciously

Working online was something Nikki had picked up towards the end of their first year of travel when she realised they most likely wouldn’t be stopping. Working mostly on editing, writing and proofreading projects for clients who are travel conscious and environmentally friendly.

As Nikki moves forward, she focuses on her real needs. Often choosing to cook at home over a meal out, believing you have to decide what is important in your life and live by that. Always appreciating what you do have, as there are plenty of people around the world living happily with far less.

“Nikki’s Top Lessons: Don’t swim against the tide. Learn the culture of a new place and let go of any preconceived ideas. Keep an open mind and a great deal of respect for your new home. You’re going to get anxious, scared and out of your comfort zone. Embrace it, get off the hamster wheel and remember how amazing it is that you get to experience this.”

The Details

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Emily Milsom
The Travelling Womxn

Live each day with Joy. Coach & Writer, telling stories to inspire change. Lover of #Tea 🍵 Talking 😄 & #Travel 🌏.