The Trickster Diaries/Epilogue

Robert Rico
The Trickster Diaries, part 3
1 min readAug 19, 2019

I must have hit the space bar, stopping the video, during the torrent of joyful tears that followed. The computer screen clock indicated that an hour had gone by.
Finally I sat up straight, took a long, deep breath, and in the middle of the inhalation…


I open the email, then click the link taking me to Juliette’s comment on my post — same post that is now beyond 20 thousand views:

“I am still reduced to a weeping mooncalf

desperate to learn hand mudras with Vajra and bell-
as if this could bring my tiny hound back

I will never know a love like this again.”



Robert Rico
The Trickster Diaries, part 3

Hooligan. Swashbuckler. Visual art. Sound art. Film. Contemplative post-beat storyteller.