The Trip Report 23/03

Cameron Scally
The Trip Report
Published in
16 min readMar 23, 2022

Even if you know exactly what you’re taking, drug use is never safe — that said, it’s much safer when you do.

Through the work of organisations such as WEDINOS, The Loop, and SaferParty, we know a little more about the drugs in circulation. The report provided below is a summary of their findings over the last week. This report is primarily UK-focused and couldn’t possibly cover everything, so if you find something I’ve missed please contact me and I’ll get it updated.

The absence of a product from this list doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be there; you might have something more dangerous than anything listed, but it just hasn’t been reported yet. A vital tool for any drug user is a testkit, which allows you to identify roughly what is actually in your stash. You can find them here and if you need any help interpreting your results, DoseTest also offers a result resource here.

Final note: This report does not constitute medical advice. Some harm-reduction tips are offered, but if in doubt then for God’s sake, seek medical attention.

Standing Warnings

As the drug supply has degraded, our list of standing warnings has grown. Rather than give you the same information at the top of every report, you can find a dedicated article here and we’ll tell you here of any updates.

Warning: High Dose — 207mg

Substance: MDMA
Location: Vienna
Advice: These pills are generally intended to contain more than one dose and as such, most come with a breakline. If you spot a pill on The Trip report, odds are you’ll want to snap it and have a half or even less to have the best experience.

Once you’re already up, you’ll want to avoid redosing, stay cool and maintain adequate hydration. Many users will dehydrate through sweat, but sweating also sheds electrolytes and some users have suffered from hyponatremia from drinking only water to replenish themselves. If possible, find a sports drink like Lucozade or, if no other solutions are available, add a pinch of salt to the occasional glass of water.
MDMA info:

Warning: High Dose — 216mg

Substance: MDMA
Location: Barcelona
Advice: These pills are generally intended to contain more than one dose and as such, most come with a breakline. If you spot a pill on The Trip report, odds are you’ll want to snap it and have a half or even less to have the best experience.

Once you’re already up, you’ll want to avoid redosing, stay cool and maintain adequate hydration. Many users will dehydrate through sweat, but sweating also sheds electrolytes and some users have suffered from hyponatremia from drinking only water to replenish themselves. If possible, find a sports drink like Lucozade or, if no other solutions are available, add a pinch of salt to the occasional glass of water.
MDMA info:

Warning: Mislabelled Substance

Substance: SL-164 (dicloqualone)
Sold as: Methaqualone (quaaludes)
Location: Edinburgh
Advice: While the Wolf of Wall Street may have made ludes look like the high-chaos sesh drug of choice, what little we know about this RC variant seems to indicate that it’s not a worthy successor. In addition to being considered to be a lot less fun than the original, most RC versions are associated with seizures without much indication of what might be driving them. This is the kind of 4-FA style crapshoot that might be best avoided.

Ludes had largely dried up before reagent testing became a thing so I can’t find any reliable results for that, let alone this RC version — if you pick up something like this, I’d advise sending a sample in for lab-testing to be sure. It’s a bit of extra hassle, but it could be the difference between life and death.
Source: (ref: W024410)
SL-164 info:

Warning: High Dose — 226mg

Substance: MDMA
Location: Zurich
Advice: These pills are generally intended to contain more than one dose and as such, most come with a breakline. If you spot a pill on The Trip report, odds are you’ll want to snap it and have a half or even less to have the best experience.

Once you’re already up, you’ll want to avoid redosing, stay cool and maintain adequate hydration. Many users will dehydrate through sweat, but sweating also sheds electrolytes and some users have suffered from hyponatremia from drinking only water to replenish themselves. If possible, find a sports drink like Lucozade or, if no other solutions are available, add a pinch of salt to the occasional glass of water.
MDMA info:

Warning: High Dose — 235mg

Substance: MDMA
Location: Zurich
Advice: These pills are generally intended to contain more than one dose and as such, most come with a breakline. If you spot a pill on The Trip report, odds are you’ll want to snap it and have a half or even less to have the best experience.

Once you’re already up, you’ll want to avoid redosing, stay cool and maintain adequate hydration. Many users will dehydrate through sweat, but sweating also sheds electrolytes and some users have suffered from hyponatremia from drinking only water to replenish themselves. If possible, find a sports drink like Lucozade or, if no other solutions are available, add a pinch of salt to the occasional glass of water.
MDMA info:

Warning: High Dose — 218mg

Substance: MDMA
Location: Zurich
Advice: These pills are generally intended to contain more than one dose and as such, most come with a breakline. If you spot a pill on The Trip report, odds are you’ll want to snap it and have a half or even less to have the best experience.

Once you’re already up, you’ll want to avoid redosing, stay cool and maintain adequate hydration. Many users will dehydrate through sweat, but sweating also sheds electrolytes and some users have suffered from hyponatremia from drinking only water to replenish themselves. If possible, find a sports drink like Lucozade or, if no other solutions are available, add a pinch of salt to the occasional glass of water.
MDMA info:

Warning: Mislabelled Substance

Substance: Amphetamine and Caffeine
Sold as: MDMA
Location: Zurich
Advice: Amphetamine presents a specific risk of anxiety symptoms, as its stimulant effects are more potent at equivalent dose than those of MDMA, and unmoderated by MDMA’s empathogenic (loved-up) effects — the 12mg of speed in this pill would be roughly equivalent to around 80mg of MDMA, so it might actually be the caffeine doing most of the heavy lifting here anyway.

Fortunately, since this is such a long-standing substitution, the reagent testing around it is incredibly solid. Marquis reagent will turn orange/red in the presence of amphetamine (it’s unresponsive to caffeine, so that won’t affect the results) and purple-black when exposed to MDMA.
Amphetamine info:
Caffeine info:

Warning: High Dose — 201mg

Substance: MDMA
Location: Zurich
Advice: These pills are generally intended to contain more than one dose and as such, most come with a breakline. If you spot a pill on The Trip report, odds are you’ll want to snap it and have a half or even less to have the best experience.

Once you’re already up, you’ll want to avoid redosing, stay cool and maintain adequate hydration. Many users will dehydrate through sweat, but sweating also sheds electrolytes and some users have suffered from hyponatremia from drinking only water to replenish themselves. If possible, find a sports drink like Lucozade or, if no other solutions are available, add a pinch of salt to the occasional glass of water.
MDMA info:

Warning: Adulterated Substance

Substance: MDMA and mephedrone
Sold as: MDMA
Location: Zurich
Advice: This curious adulteration, if you can call it such, is made even more confusing by SaferParty’s quantitative results — while the pill is pretty low on MD at under 80mg, it contains a full average dose of mephedrone (a rarer and more expensive substance, even after the beating the MDMA market has taken) on top, which leaves it pretty potent if a little stimmier than expected.

While cathinone adulteration is pretty much the worst-case scenario for MDMA as far as testing is concerned, mephedrone is where we actually get a little lucky — it’s one of the very few drugs whose reaction to Marquis reagent is still visible even when mixed with MDMA. MD turns the reagent an immediate purple/black, but mephedrone will cause it to fizz, which will still be visible even in this strange mix.
MDMA info:
Mephedrone info:

Warning: Mislabelled Substance

Substance: Amphetamine and Caffeine
Sold as: MDMA
Location: Zurich
Advice: (same as above) Amphetamine presents a specific risk of anxiety symptoms, as its stimulant effects are more potent at equivalent dose than those of MDMA, and unmoderated by MDMA’s empathogenic (loved-up) effects — the 12mg of speed in this pill would be roughly equivalent to around 80mg of MDMA, so it might actually be the caffeine doing most of the heavy lifting here anyway.

Fortunately, since this is such a long-standing substitution, the reagent testing around it is incredibly solid. Marquis reagent will turn orange/red in the presence of amphetamine (it’s unresponsive to caffeine, so that won’t affect the results) and purple-black when exposed to MDMA.
Amphetamine info:
Caffeine info:

Warning: High Dose — 202mg

Substance: MDMA
Location: Vienna
Advice: These pills are generally intended to contain more than one dose and as such, most come with a breakline. If you spot a pill on The Trip report, odds are you’ll want to snap it and have a half or even less to have the best experience.

Once you’re already up, you’ll want to avoid redosing, stay cool and maintain adequate hydration. Many users will dehydrate through sweat, but sweating also sheds electrolytes and some users have suffered from hyponatremia from drinking only water to replenish themselves. If possible, find a sports drink like Lucozade or, if no other solutions are available, add a pinch of salt to the occasional glass of water.
MDMA info:

Warning: High Dose — 202mg

Substance: MDMA
Location: Vienna
Advice: These pills are generally intended to contain more than one dose and as such, most come with a breakline. If you spot a pill on The Trip report, odds are you’ll want to snap it and have a half or even less to have the best experience.

Once you’re already up, you’ll want to avoid redosing, stay cool and maintain adequate hydration. Many users will dehydrate through sweat, but sweating also sheds electrolytes and some users have suffered from hyponatremia from drinking only water to replenish themselves. If possible, find a sports drink like Lucozade or, if no other solutions are available, add a pinch of salt to the occasional glass of water.
MDMA info:

Warning: High Dose — 202mg

Substance: MDMA
Location: Vienna
Advice: These pills are generally intended to contain more than one dose and as such, most come with a breakline. If you spot a pill on The Trip report, odds are you’ll want to snap it and have a half or even less to have the best experience.

Once you’re already up, you’ll want to avoid redosing, stay cool and maintain adequate hydration. Many users will dehydrate through sweat, but sweating also sheds electrolytes and some users have suffered from hyponatremia from drinking only water to replenish themselves. If possible, find a sports drink like Lucozade or, if no other solutions are available, add a pinch of salt to the occasional glass of water.
MDMA info:

Warning: High Dose — 236mg

(Yes, this is the image EC provides — trust me it’s a Tesla)
Location: Barcelona
Advice: These pills are generally intended to contain more than one dose and as such, most come with a breakline. If you spot a pill on The Trip report, odds are you’ll want to snap it and have a half or even less to have the best experience.

Once you’re already up, you’ll want to avoid redosing, stay cool and maintain adequate hydration. Many users will dehydrate through sweat, but sweating also sheds electrolytes and some users have suffered from hyponatremia from drinking only water to replenish themselves. If possible, find a sports drink like Lucozade or, if no other solutions are available, add a pinch of salt to the occasional glass of water.
MDMA info:

Warning: High Dose — 222–228mg (blue punisher)

Substance: MDMA
Location: Barcelona
Advice: These pills are generally intended to contain more than one dose and as such, most come with a breakline. If you spot a pill on The Trip report, odds are you’ll want to snap it and have a half or even less to have the best experience.

Once you’re already up, you’ll want to avoid redosing, stay cool and maintain adequate hydration. Many users will dehydrate through sweat, but sweating also sheds electrolytes and some users have suffered from hyponatremia from drinking only water to replenish themselves. If possible, find a sports drink like Lucozade or, if no other solutions are available, add a pinch of salt to the occasional glass of water.
MDMA info:

Warning: High Dose — 225mg

Substance: MDMA
Location: Barcelona
Advice: These pills are generally intended to contain more than one dose and as such, most come with a breakline. If you spot a pill on The Trip report, odds are you’ll want to snap it and have a half or even less to have the best experience.

Once you’re already up, you’ll want to avoid redosing, stay cool and maintain adequate hydration. Many users will dehydrate through sweat, but sweating also sheds electrolytes and some users have suffered from hyponatremia from drinking only water to replenish themselves. If possible, find a sports drink like Lucozade or, if no other solutions are available, add a pinch of salt to the occasional glass of water.
MDMA info:

Warning: Extremely High Dose — 251mg (pink skull)

Substance: MDMA
Location: Barcelona
Advice: These pills are generally intended to contain more than one dose and as such, most come with a breakline. If you spot a pill on The Trip report, odds are you’ll want to snap it and have a half or even less to have the best experience.

Once you’re already up, you’ll want to avoid redosing, stay cool and maintain adequate hydration. Many users will dehydrate through sweat, but sweating also sheds electrolytes and some users have suffered from hyponatremia from drinking only water to replenish themselves. If possible, find a sports drink like Lucozade or, if no other solutions are available, add a pinch of salt to the occasional glass of water.
MDMA info:

Warning: Mislabelled Substance

Substance: No active component
Sold as: 5-MAPB
Location: London
Advice: As far as WEDINOS can tell, this stuff is totally inert so there isn’t much advice to offer, beyond the standard practice of stopping if the drug isn’t having any effect.
Source: (ref: W024461)
Info: n/a

Warning: Mislabelled Substance

Substance: 4-CEC
Sold as: Mephedrone
Location: London
Advice: Always worrying when a previous report is on page 1 of the Google results for this stuff — it just goes to show how little information we have about this stuff. We haven’t learned much since then, unfortunately, so this is still kind of a mystery drug and better avoided altogether unless you’re willing to accept the risks that come with being a psychonaut.

Without any reliable test results, we’d have a hell of a time even confirming that what you have is 4-CEC rather than mcat, so all I can suggest is sending your sample in for testing and being very careful if you choose to proceed.
Source: (ref: W024640)
4-CEC info:

Warning: High Dose — 205mg (orange grenade)

Substance: MDMA
Location: Barcelona
Advice: These pills are generally intended to contain more than one dose and as such, most come with a breakline. If you spot a pill on The Trip report, odds are you’ll want to snap it and have a half or even less to have the best experience.

Once you’re already up, you’ll want to avoid redosing, stay cool and maintain adequate hydration. Many users will dehydrate through sweat, but sweating also sheds electrolytes and some users have suffered from hyponatremia from drinking only water to replenish themselves. If possible, find a sports drink like Lucozade or, if no other solutions are available, add a pinch of salt to the occasional glass of water.
MDMA info:

Warning: High Dose — 217mg (purple soundcloud)

Substance: MDMA
Location: Barcelona
Advice: These pills are generally intended to contain more than one dose and as such, most come with a breakline. If you spot a pill on The Trip report, odds are you’ll want to snap it and have a half or even less to have the best experience.

Once you’re already up, you’ll want to avoid redosing, stay cool and maintain adequate hydration. Many users will dehydrate through sweat, but sweating also sheds electrolytes and some users have suffered from hyponatremia from drinking only water to replenish themselves. If possible, find a sports drink like Lucozade or, if no other solutions are available, add a pinch of salt to the occasional glass of water.
MDMA info:

Warning: Mislabelled Substance

Substance: Ketamine (62%), MDMA (18%), 2C-B (1.67%)
Sold as: 2C-B
Location: Berne
Advice: Given that MDMA is less than half as potent, milligram for milligram, as ketamine, this blend is going to produce a primarily ketty experience in users who, whether they’re expecting cocaine or 2C-B will decidedly not be expecting anything like ket. However, users who are expecting 2C-B will be taking doses in the 15–30mg range, meaning that they wouldn’t be taking enough of either ketamine or MDMA for even a threshold experience. The risk, then, is that the user becomes impatient and starts railing more and more to create the desired effect until they become ketty, but this is easily avoided by pursuing even the most basic of harm reduction principles: if at first you don’t get high, stop and work out why.

It’s probably a bit of overkill to test for this sample specifically, given that finding either MDMA or ketamine should be enough to give you pause, but let’s try it out as an academic exercise. Marquis reagent is an ideal place to begin, as ketamine doesn’t respond to it at all but the distinction between MDMA and 2C-B is pretty sharp: MD will produce a purple-black colour in your Marquis, while 2C-B creates a bright yellow/green. Testing for ketamine is a little more complicated, as it’s less responsive to reagents in general. Simon’s reagent would be your best bet here, going through either no change at all or a purple tinge in response to 2C-B but going through an orange/pink/yellow gradient with ketamine. However, MDMA produces a dark blue in Simons, so in the case of this mix you’d be more likely to end up with a horrible mottled brown instead.
Ketamine info:
MDMA info:
2C-B info:

Warning: Mislabelled Substance

Substance: Mescaline
Sold as: Methylone
Location: Biel
Advice: I’m not gonna lie to you, folks, I think this is a problem of someone mumbling more than anything. Methylone and mescaline are both pretty uncommon (methylone almost unheard of these days — you’d have an easier time finding quaaludes, at least there’s demand for those) and not easily mixed up chemically, but terribly similar phonically.

While we don’t know how much mescaline was in this capsule (it’s dosed pretty high, with the average starting at ~200mg), any unexpected psychedelic experience can be deeply unpleasant in a way that is pretty difficult for us to advise on meaningfully. Suffice it to say that if you take what you think is methylone and start to experience psychedelic effects, you should alert a friend and make sure you go somewhere you feel comfortable and safe — odds are that you’ve taken something else entirely (or like half a gram of methylone, in which case the only place you should feel safe is the nearest hospital).

The easiest way to test for this substitution is to make use of Liebermann reagent: in the presence of mescaline, it will turn black whereas methylone will produce a yellow, then blue response.
Mescaline info:

Warning: Mislabelled Substance

Substance: Unknown Substance
Sold as: Oxycodone
Location: Zurich
Advice: Naturally there isn’t much advice to give here, other than getting your stash tested and avoid taking it if you can’t work out what it is

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