How To Be Grateful For Fear

Getting Intimate With The Dark Through Spiritual Ritual

Vincent Kavanagh
The Trip


Photo By Author

Since recently leaving my full-time job and allowing myself more time for self-inquiry, I have refocused my attention on, well… the self. My self to be precise!

In the midst of this inquiry, I have been considering the role which gratitude plays in my life, which until recently, was something like ‘Janitor №2’.

After some careful consideration, I have re-cast gratitude as the wise old sage who helps the protagonist in their hour of need, giving them the wisdom required to overcome their enemies.

But my enemies aren’t nazi zombies or Russian mafia drug lords. My enemies are laziness, anxiety and fear. I can’t exactly blow their heads off or escape via helicopter whilst simultaneously saving the beautiful Annika (who is also the wife of Igor the Mob boss).

So what wisdom does the sage have to give in the context of my considerably less interesting life? What is the message?

Listening To The Sage

First thing’s first: we must be open to hearing the sage’s wisdom.

To do this we need a ritual… and dare I say it… a spiritual one!



Vincent Kavanagh
The Trip

Playing with words, concepts and stories helps to quell the chaos of my world... though I do it not in desperation! Rather to perform, play and learn.