The Traumatic Psychedelic Trip That Left Me With PTSD

A Cautionary Tale On The Fragility Of Mind And Exploring Altered States

Vincent Kavanagh
The Trip


The plug was suddenly pulled on my consciousness. There was nothing: as if I were asleep, or dead.

When I came too, I found myself in a vast dark void. A vague green flicker of light danced in the far distance. A high pitched tone was the auditory backdrop of this strange realm.

I had no memory of how I got here, or the events which had led to this moment.

I tried to move my body.

I couldn’t.

“I must be asleep then” I thought.

So I tried to wake up.

I couldn’t.

The panic slowly began to creep in.

We often speak of ineffable experiences of pure bliss and oneness in psychedelic exploration; sometimes we forget the opposite is also a possibility.

Think of your mind like an elastic band; a pretty flexible one!

Going about your day-to-day, you are very unlikely to stretch it all that much. But when you take a psychoactive substance, you are stretching it in ways you might not be aware of… or ready for.



Vincent Kavanagh
The Trip

Playing with words, concepts and stories helps to quell the chaos of my world... though I do it not in desperation! Rather to perform, play and learn.