A Poetic “Tripple Effect”

Arjan Tupan
The Tripple Effect
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2020

Do you ever feel like you are a butterfly, flapping your wings in a forest, not knowing whether anybody notices? That’s how a poet can feel, after pushing publish on a story here on Medium, or a post on any other type of site. You just have to wait and see. Sometimes, it turns out you are more like a little yellow duckling, happily splashing around in a puddle, watching the ripples you create flow farther and farther.

That, my friends, is how I feel now. Like that happy little duck. When I hit submit on the story that called on poets to try a new poetic form, I hoped someone would hear it. I dreamt someone would respond. That’s why I’m a happy little duck now. People responded. And still do. I had created a tritriplicata ripple effect. A Tripple Effect.

Undertandably, the above has made you curious. “What are these triple ripples he’s talking about?” I can hear you think. Let me show you a few examples. First of all, I want to take the opportunity to thank Sylph Hemery. A talented writer and poet, who’s powerful words touch you in your innermost inner parts, heart, gut, brain, all at once. She has embraced the tritriplicata as no other. Imagine that you create something. Of course, you think it’s good. You created it. So far, you get it, right? Then someone more talented than you comes along and adopts your creation and makes it shine bright. How wonderful would that be? That person, that is Sylph. Thank you. Her work, well, go see for your self. Read it. She has made several tritriplicata poems, this one is her latest. About why one writes on Medium.

Another Tripple, was caused by Paul LoSchiavo. One of the wise people. He asked questions, first. Then fired the ink from his pen. First as a comment on a post, but then in its own deserved place. Not just one tritriplicata, but four. All with a different way of gripping you. One has a powerful repetition, the second with drive and urgency fit for the subject, a third about eternal love and finally one without a worry in the sky. Very skillful, go read them yourself, Paul deserves to be read:

We have another poet returning. Again with a political statement. I secretly refer to her in my mind as the Tripple Activist. And I mean that as a compliment. We need more activist, and poets should be activists, too. I mean, we are. We believe something, and use our words to share that believe to the world. So thank you, Sherrye Richardson. You rock. We’re the troops falling in behind you. Here’s her poem.

Finally, read this one. Count the syllables. Wait, that’s not… Is it… Hah. Then read what Trisha Traughber says about how she crafted, like a 3-michelin-starred chef, this beautiful poem. And yes. That counts. I did not create the Tritriplicata to nitpick over rules. Even Shakespeare muddled with the “official sonnet regulations”, article such, paragraph so. I like to adhere to the syllable restriction I created. But that doesn’t mean you should, too. The point is that it helps you to shape your point of view into a message that each reader can interpret from their point of view. Anyway. I won’t bore you any longer. Much better to go and read Thrisha’s poem:

Thank you for reading. But only if you have read the linked stories. If not: try again. Really. They are worth your time. After that, follow this publication, and listen to my podcast. Hurray.



Arjan Tupan
The Tripple Effect

I help small businesses to find their story and tell it through new services and stories. Dad, poet and dot connector. Creator of the Tritriplicata. POM Poet.