Announcing The Tritriplicata Show

Arjan Tupan
The Tripple Effect
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2020

The response to my call for poets to try the Tritriplicata, a new poetic form I have created has been overwhelming. The post in question is by far my most viewed and applauded Medium post I have ever made. But that’s just my vanity being caressed. More important, several poets have answered my call and tried out this new form. I already published a first overview with some of these great poets’ work.

It didn’t stop there. Still people are highlighting, applauding and reading my call to pens. More spectacularly: they are writing Tritriplicata’s. Even in French. Multi-lingual, and multi-talented poet Sylph Hemery published the poem Vide, the first Tritriplicata in French:

She also wrote a beautiful meta-poem. I call it that, because it’s a poem about writing poetry. I love the layeredness of that. You can find it here.

The wonderful Nuno Ricardo published a triptych of Tritriplicata’s. Who doesn’t see the beauty in that. (I have to admit, I will copy that approach, for which I will ask you to note that copying is the biggest compliment.) He captured precisely what the intention of the Tritriplicata is.

This is just a selection. I certainly intend to make more posts like this, so if you are trying the Tritriplicata, be sure to tag me in it.

Announcing the Tritriplicata Show

After coming down from that lovely rainbow-coloured cloud I sent to by the unexpected and amazing response, I decided I am taking the love for the Tritriplicata to the next level. As promised above, I will make more posts like these. But that’s not all. I have just launched a podcast dedicated to poetry and in particular, the Tritriplicata. You can already listen to episode one on and on Spotify. Soon other platforms should follow. Curious? Come along for the ride on the audio waves! If you want a chance for your Tritriplicata to be featured in the show, just let me know in the comments.

What now, now that we have arrived at the end of this story? Easy question. Listen to episode 1 of the Tritriplicata Show:



Arjan Tupan
The Tripple Effect

I help small businesses to find their story and tell it through new services and stories. Dad, poet and dot connector. Creator of the Tritriplicata. POM Poet.