Rapids Filled With Poetry

Arjan Tupan
The Tripple Effect
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2020
A stream tumbling rapidly down the mountain — photo by author

Walking in the forest, we hear a consisten rumble. Through the dense foliage, we can only hear water tumbling down the hill. Then the path curves and takes us close to the stream. I love water rapidly running downhill. It’s a spectacle with a mesmerizing soundtrack. Like words flowing in poetic lines.

Words have been flowing in tritriplicata-shaped poems in the last week-an-a-bit. So much so, that I’ve decided to open the Poetry Pearls section of this publication up for submissions from others. When I started this publication, I had no intention of doing so. Then came a request. And another one. Like water running down a mountain. So, I opened it up, and soon after could welcome wonderful poems. Check out that section to find them. Link below, because first I want you to take a look at tritriplicata’s found outside this publication.

To introduce the first one, poet A. Christine Myers explains how she experienced writing a tritriplicata. In short, it’s a bit like a rapid. Go and read what she wrote here:

Thanks to one of the new contributing poets here, Jim McAulay🍁, I found out about Stupid Poetry. I love the concept, and his two animal-themed poems made me laugh. See if that works for you, too. We all can use a couple of laughs these days.

One of my favorite poets, Sylph Hemery, also created a beautiful tritriplicata poem. Again. Please follow this publication, and you might hear more from her soon… Here is her poem with beautiful imagery:

To close off the out-of-this-pub part of this post, I am so happy that Dennett found the poetic form. She has been writing a couple, also in this publication, and they are diverse, full of emotion, reflection and beautiful imagery. Here are a few:

Another poet who has published a couple of tritriplicata’s in this publication is Harley King. I love his poems, and his stories. So much so, that I invited him as guest on the Tripple Effect podcast. Listen to his story here:

After you have done all that, find the tritriplicata’s in the Poetry Pearls section:



Arjan Tupan
The Tripple Effect

I help small businesses to find their story and tell it through new services and stories. Dad, poet and dot connector. Creator of the Tritriplicata. POM Poet.