Teenager Conspires With Classmates to Kill Ex-Boyfriend

She said her Facebook was hacked, but the evidence proved otherwise

Mia ✨
The Wicked Truth


Fe Hadley: Source: NY Post

16-year-old Fe Hadley was angry at her ex-boyfriend Ryan Vaughn for ending their relationship. She decided he needed to be punished for breaking up with her, so she hatched a plan.

Hadley conspired with classmates Jeremiah Cunningham and Gabriel Pfliger via Facebook messages to kill Vaughn. Cunningham and Hadley had also briefly dated and Cunningham still had feelings for his ex, so it wasn’t difficult to get him to agree to the plan.

On November 15th, 2017 Hadley texted Vaughn to meet her behind a local store to “talk” while Cunningham stood nearby, waiting for his shining moment. The messages between Hadley, Cunningham, and Pfliger stated that Cunningham was to ambush Vaughn from behind, trip him, and stab him with a large knife before dragging his body into a nearby ditch.

The plot was foiled almost immediately. Vaughn and Hadley met after school and walked to a nearby market where he bought an iced tea. Pfliger was to bring a wooden stake and act as the lookout, but he was late to the event.

Several witnesses saw a man in a red mask hiding behind vehicles and bushes and alerted the authorities. The man in the red mask gestured at…

