Tell the map story

Nicolas Dosselaere
Some thoughts about …
3 min readNov 23, 2017

The world is in drastic change. The global system in which we are functioning is in crisis. Our economy, our financial system, the world’s ecosystem and our society are all having hard times. We do not live in a period of changes, but in a change of time periods. Although this transition causes inevitable problems, it is also a unique period of possibilities; an exciting time for new ideas. And it is here, that maps can play their role, as powerful communicating tool and as a story teller this transition needs.

If it is a treasure map or just the map in our navigation system, it will take us to places we have never been before, in reality or in our head.

Only few ideas make it to the real world. Why is that? This is mostly caused by 2 reasons. First of all, people tend to get stuck in the idea phase. Ideas are kept inside or communicated badly. The way we communicate them is crucial. Some modest ideas, give big success, while some brilliant ideas, result in nothing. The main difference is: effective communication. It is exactly here that maps can play their role. One of the most appealing features of maps is that all journeys are feasible. Maps make your idea possible and “invite you” to start with it. Maps can concretise the “unknown” of your idea and sketch an image that your audience is willing to support. But there is more. For an idea to turn into a success, we need passion. And what fascinates more than maps? Show us a map and we get excited. If it is a world map or a treasure map or just the map in our navigation system, it will take us to places we have never been before, in reality or in our head.

Maps make your idea possible and “invite you” to start with it.

The second reason why only few ideas are successfully implemented, is embedded in the complexity of the idea. Many of the new and potential world changing ideas are so complex and long-term that it frightens people. In these complex problems (e.g. climate change), we lack the ability to imagine how things could be. Often it is not the technology or rules that prevent us from moving ahead, but this disability to see the future! We need top-class storytelling to paint a vivid picture of what could be. Storytelling is what captivates people and drives them to take action. It is here again that maps come in play again. Besides being concrete and credible, maps have the power to simulate future scenarios and hence can function as a story teller we need to mobilize people in the transition process towards a new society.

The last decade, map applications already became hot and ubiquitous. But as effective communication tool and first-class storyteller, maps, from being a cute thing to have, can become something that really actually matters.

About Nicolas

Nicolas is a socially committed mapping expert and map enthusiast. He is convinced that map applications can play a positive role in this transitioning world. It is not by coincidence that the true opposite of “SPAM” is “MAPS”.

He is co-founder of nazka mapps. nazka is focused on maps that matter, adding value to society. Check for sure also aircheckr.



Nicolas Dosselaere
Some thoughts about …

Passionate about Maps, Air Quality & the Transition Process