6 steps to be calm in the midst of chaos

Chetan N Rao
The True Sparks
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2023
Universal Consciousness

In a world teeming with ambition, mindless activities, temptations, and, ultimately, chaos, finding calmness can seem like an unachievable task. Yet, it is essential for our mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Here are six steps to help you achieve tranquility in the chaos:

  1. Understand the Nature of the Universe: Recognize that chaos, or entropy, is a fundamental characteristic of the universe. We did not create the universe, nor can we control it. Embracing this fact allows us to find calmness by letting things be.

2. Become Aware Without Reaction: Pay attention to the feedback from your mind and body without reacting or getting involved. When you are aware without involvement, you have the freedom to choose how to respond, offering more choices than mere reactions.

3. Take Time to Just Be: In our constant busyness, we often forget the importance of just being. Instead of relentlessly doing things in the hope of eventually finding peace, take time to just exist and let the universe be.

4. Pay Attention to Your Senses with gratitude: Appreciate and marvel at your senses with gratitude. Our five senses are a gift, allowing us to enjoy our surroundings, yet we often take them for granted.

5.Anchor Yourself with Your Breath: Breath is a crucial attribute of human life, yet it often goes unnoticed. It serves as a bridge between our physical being and our higher self. Focusing on your breath, even for a few minutes, can lead you on an inner journey of calm.

6. Merge with Universal Consciousness: Allow your higher self to become one with the universal consciousness. This state of ecstasy is characterized by a sublime union with everything that exists, has existed, and will exist. In this state, you simultaneously become nothing and everything, fully connected with the universe.

By following these steps, you can find peace and calmness amidst the chaos of life. You won’t have to go to an isolated mountain or forest to do this. Wherever you are, calmness can prevail. Slow down, and you will realize that blissful calmness can be yours at will.



Chetan N Rao
The True Sparks

Chetan is a technology leader, with a diverse background in computer engineering, management, public speaking , strategy and high fashion. www.thetruesparks.com