Welcome to The Trump Dump, a daily roundup of the outrageous, despicable and yes, “unpresidented” goings on of the Trump administration. The Trump Dump is a project of The Resistance Movement Inc., a political action committee dedicated to the impeachment of our illegitimate president. Join us at lockhimupnow.org, and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

Day 235 (September 12, 2017)

The Resistance
The Trump Dump


In today’s issue: The son-in-law.

Kushner is in the headlines again and it’s not reflecting well on the administration.

In-laws, am i right?

Apparently, according to the WSJ, Trump lawyers were keen on firing Kushner in June due to possible legal complications from the Russia probe.

And yet, the weasel is somehow still in the White House.

Oh and remember Trump’s claim that he didn’t know about Kushner’s meeting with the Russian ambassador? How can that possibly be true when the whole reason behind Trump’s legal team drafting a letter of resignation on Kushner’s behalf was his ties to Russia?!?!

Guess who argued that Kushner hadn’t done anything wrong and doesn’t have to resign? POTUS.

Yes, weak, lying, corrupt, self-interested Trump “wasn’t persuaded that Mr. Kushner needed to leave.”

And with that, Trump officially became his own worst enemy.

This piece of news — that Kushner was basically on the verge of resigning (aka being fired) and Trump disagreeing with his lawyers on the decision — reaffirms how unstable, disorganized, and unguided this administration is. They can’t agree on crucial decisions, which leads to fallout and tension, and thus an incoherent strategy and leadership.

Rant to follow:

After this story was published, and thoroughly discussed, what did Sarah Sanders claim at today’s press conference? That this didn’t happen. “[There was] no conversation that I’m aware of.”

Once again: incoherent, unstable, corrupt leadership. Sanders, you’re a liar just like the rest of ‘em.

The biggest question that we have after all this: Why does Kushner still have SECURITY CLEARANCE?

What about all of this makes Trump say, “sure, he’s trustworthy.” I guess if crooked-Trump has clearance, he wouldn’t want to discriminate against other crooks just because they potentially colluded with the Russian government.

Keeping Kushner in the White House, with security clearance, sends a clear message to Russia that the administration isn’t opposed to engaging in shady dealings with them — and Trump administration officials won’t be penalized for doing so.

That’s it for today’s Trump Dump. Please remember to join us at lockhimupnow.org, share our post by clicking the 👏 at the bottom, and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

