Welcome to The Trump Dump, a daily roundup of the outrageous, despicable and yes, “unpresidented” goings on of the Trump administration. The Trump Dump is a project of The Resistance Movement Inc., a political action committee dedicated to the impeachment of our illegitimate president. Join us at lockhimupnow.org, follow us on Twitter and Facebook and sign our petition for Trump’s resignation.

Day 488 (May 22, 2018)

The Resistance
The Trump Dump


In today’s issue: Media barred from EPA event

In another step towards authoritarianism, several reporters were barred from an EPA event.

I guess the public learning about how our drinking water will most likely continue to be contaminated because of regressive EPA policies is a little frightening to Pruitt.

However, the public has a right to this knowledge. The government preventing the press from attending this event is threat to our already crumbling democracy.

The EPA responded to this backlash by stating “this was simply an issue of the room reaching capacity, which reporters were aware of prior to the event.” Sounds like some fake news.

That’s it for today’s Trump Dump. Please remember to join us at lockhimupnow.org, share our post by clicking the 👏 at the bottom, and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

