Welcome to The Trump Dump, a daily roundup of the outrageous, despicable and yes, “unpresidented” goings on of the Trump administration. The Trump Dump is a project of The Resistance Movement Inc., a political action committee dedicated to the impeachment of our illegitimate president. Join us at lockhimupnow.org, follow us on Twitter and Facebook and sign our petition for Trump’s resignation.

Day 497 (May 31, 2018)

The Resistance
The Trump Dump


In today’s issue: Trump Pardons Conservative Commentator

Trump took advantage of the presidential privilege to pardon and pardoned Dinesh D’Souza today. D’Souza was a conservative political commentator who pleaded guilty for illegal campaign donations.

Many are interpreting this complete exploitation of privilege as Trump flexing his muscles and telling the world he will pardon individuals who are loyal to him.

And to make matters worse, Trump is now floating the idea of pardoning Apprentice alums.

Trump’s disrespect of the law and justice is nothing new, but pardoning D’Souza is a clear sign that Trump will take whatever action necessary to obstruct the Mueller probe and protect himself. He must go!

That’s it for today’s Trump Dump. Please remember to join us at lockhimupnow.org, share our post by clicking the 👏 at the bottom, and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

