Shruthi Suresh
The truth about this Indian single mum
1 min readJun 12, 2018


Like Dr Strange, I didn’t recognize life outside of my profession Medicine, until my metaphorical car crash. I hit rockbottom when I was dragged through family court for divorce.

I haven’t looked back since.

Seeking a space for myself to heal, to grow, to learn, I experimented with yoga, Vipassana meditation, dancing, adult colouring books and writing.

Moving from the headspace of victim to warrior

Single and proud as I am, I owe my sanity to a circle of resilient women (and men) who showed me the glorious possibilites of life as a newly-minted singleton. Inspired by the ancient indigenous ritual of Sun Dance, my friends and I co-founded a support group for people like us — single parents, divorcees and widow(er)s. We call ourselves the SunDancers.

So, who am I? Single mother. Doctor. Dreamer.

This is my story.



Shruthi Suresh
The truth about this Indian single mum

Professional/single mother who discovered that hitting rock bottom can be instructive.